Mobile KD is assistant software of KD200 and KD900, it's convenient for users to query remotes data. It also support account management, users can edit remotes data as they want. This software now do not support generating remotes. Please obey the law when edit the remotes data on the software, individual legal responsibility will be traced by users' log account or address.
掌上KD 是KD100 KD600 設備的一個輔助軟件,便於全球用戶查詢遙控數據,該軟件同時支持賬戶管理,可以方便全球用戶對遙控的屬性進行個性化編輯。該軟件現階段不支持專用遙控生成,各用戶對軟件進行個性化定義的時候,請務必遵守國家和當地法律。由此產生的法律責任將根據您的登錄帳號和地址追溯到個人。
掌上KD is assistant software of KD100 and KD600, it's convenient for users to query remotes data. It also support account management, users can edit remotes data as they want. This software now do not support generating remotes. Please obey the law when edit the remotes data on the software, individual legal responsibility will be traced by users' log account or address.