The ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines App provides easy access to every recommendation from all guidelines published by the American Society of Hematology (ASH), including rational for each recommendation, benefits and harms associated with each recommended course of action, and links to the complete evidence-to-decision tables used to develop the recommendations.
The app also includes links other tools and resources designed to aid in clinical decision-making, including to the published guideline manuscripts, ASH’s Choosing Wisely-related content, and the ASH Pocket Guides app.
ASH Practice Guidelines應用程序可讓您輕鬆訪問美國血液學會(ASH)發布的所有指南中的每條建議,包括每條建議的合理性以及與每條推薦的操作方案相關的利弊。該應用程序當前包含有關靜脈血栓栓塞(VTE),鐮狀細胞性貧血(SCD)和免疫性血小板減少症(ITP)的指南。該應用程序還提供對其他工具和資源的訪問,這些工具和資源旨在幫助臨床決策,包括指向已發布的指南手稿,ASH選擇明智列表,ASH諮詢同事計劃和ASH Pocket Guides應用程序的鏈接。
該應用程序還包括旨在幫助臨床決策的其他工具和資源的鏈接,包括已發布的指南手稿,ASH的“明智選擇”相關內容以及ASH Pocket Guides應用程序。