Access Control is the new key to your workplace!
Forgot your tag? No problem! With Access Control all you need is your smartphone to open your door: your smartphone is your new key.
With roughly 3,000 locations in over 100 countries IWG is the world’s largest provider of workplaces. With the new Access Control Application you can enjoy Mobile Key technology. Mobile Key enables you to interact with electronic locks using your smartphone, instead of your tag. You can unlock any door you have access to, by simply tapping the electronic lock with your smartphone! This great feature will simplify access to your workplace. Tags are no longer needed!
Download now and start enjoying unlocking doors with your smartphone!
IWG 在 100 多個國家/地區擁有大約 3,000 個地點,是世界上最大的工作場所提供商。使用新的訪問控制應用程序,您可以享受移動鑰匙技術。移動鑰匙使您可以使用智能手機而不是標籤與電子鎖進行交互。只需用智能手機輕敲電子鎖,您就可以解鎖您可以進入的任何門!這個強大的功能將簡化對您工作場所的訪問。不再需要標籤!