Amadeus Mobile Messenger


Amadeus Mobile Messenger is an application provided by Amadeus IT Group SA. It can be used by travelers whose travel manager or travel agent is using Amadeus Mobile Messenger on their desktop.
A traveler can use the application to receive messages from a travel manager and send messages to a travel manager who is using the desktop application of Amadeus Mobile Messenger. Messages from the travel manager are sent via push notifications.
Amadeus Mobile Messenger has been created to let travel managers assist travelers before and during their trips particularly in disruptive situations or in risky areas.
A travel manager can also request the GPS position from a traveler. If the traveler agrees the geocodes of his location are sent back to the travel manager.
Before a traveler can start using the application he needs to register with the Mobile Messenger server. The server needs the mobile phone number and the email of the traveler that is matching the ones used by his travel agent to perform bookings. That way Mobile Messenger is able to link bookings to travelers using the Mobile Messenger application.

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旅行者可以使用該應用程序從旅行經理接收消息,並將消息發送回使用Amadeus Mobile Messenger桌面應用程序的旅行經理。來自旅行管理器的消息是通過推送通知發送的。

Amadeus Mobile Messenger的創建是為了讓旅行經理在旅行之前和旅途中為旅行者提供幫助,特別是在破壞性情況或高風險地區。


在旅行者開始使用該應用之前,需要先註冊。該應用程序需要旅行者的移動電話號碼和電子郵件,該電子郵件和與其旅行社用於創建預訂的電子郵件地址相匹配。這樣,Amadeus Mobile Messenger便可以將預訂鏈接到旅行者。

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