Home Wi-Fi of the Future.
A Simple, Powerful App. Simple Setup, Powerful Features, Perfected User Experience.
Setup in Seconds. With easy setup and configuration, your network is up and running in no time.
Automatic Updates.
Future features and performance updates will be coming soon.
Always Know Who Is Using Your network.
The app keeps track of which devices are connected, and for how long.
Track ISP and System Performance.
Get throughput readings and test your ISP speed at any time.
Guest Access, Simplified.
AmpliFi guest access uses an "open time window" to allow instant guest on-boarding without sharing your password. No security compromise or inconvenience.
AmpliFi應用程序簡化了連接和管理所有Amplifi Wi-Fi設備的過程,包括:Alien,HD,Gamer's Edition,Instant和Meshpoint產品。
創建一個來訪家庭和朋友的家庭訪客網絡,或通過AmpliFi Teleport VPN應用程序使他們遠程訪問您的本地網絡。
請訪問help.amplifi.com,以獲取有關AmpliFi Wi-Fi產品的更多信息,或有關Ubiquiti支持團隊和用戶社區的故障排除建議。