

Play Battleship like never before. Rocket strikes, huge explosions and upgradeable weapons await you in Artillerists. Create and upgrade your own private platoon. Use radars to locate the enemy! Perform massive artillery strikes to take them out! Call in for air support to turn them into dust! The old rules of beloved strategy game are reimagined to bring you the best tactical artillery experience ever.

* Play for FREE
* Conquer huge island
* Explore an engaging story in campaign mode
* Try out reimagined battleship gameplay
* Buy and Upgrade your weapons
* Fight in different terrain and weather conditions
* Different battlefield sizes
* Complete loads of missions
* Win the WAR!

- Best played on iPads!

取得  APP

回合製策略遊戲。購買一次即玩版(非 F2P)
新增功能(與 F2P 版本相比):
+ 調整了“買一次玩”版本的遊戲平衡
+ 快速、無滾動的戰鬥畫面變化
+ 3 個難度級別可供選擇
+ 錯誤修復
+ 無遊戲內購買、捐贈或廣告
請注意,您不能從 F2P 版本的遊戲轉移您的遊戲進度或購買。

* 在戰役模式中探索引人入勝的故事
* 嘗試重新構想的戰艦遊戲玩法
* 完成大量任務
* 贏得戰爭!

取得  APP