BVCAM greatly simplifies the use of IPCamera. Without complicated network configuration, user can monitor remote IPCamera by using a mobile phone. BVCAM supports real-time video scaling, two-way voice intercom(camera must support), screenshot, real-time video recording and playback, and other functions. User only need to scan the QR code camera attached, adding the camera to the software and configurating network information.
BVCAM 极大的简化了用户IPCamera的使用,无需繁琐的网络配置即可方便的在手机观看视频,支持双向语音对讲(须摄像机支持)、支持截图、支持实时录像并回放。用户只需要扫描摄像机附带的二维码,并加添到软件中,即可使用,简单方便。