Call your shot and fire with the official BATTLESHIP companion app. The companion app connects directly to BATTLESHIP on Nintendo Switch™ and acts as a controller. This app doesn’t include the full game.
Play the official version of the classic Hasbro board game with your friends and family around the big screen with the local multiplayer mode for BATTLESHIP on Nintendo Switch™. Find your friend’s ships on the battlefield and sink their fleet before they eliminate yours.
Use the companion app as your game controller to deploy your ships and keep your grid hidden. Fire shots and watch your hits land on the big screen.
It’s easy to get started. Launch BATTLESHIP on Nintendo Switch™. Select Play with Friends from the main menu and choose Local. Open the official companion app and enter the lobby code shown on the Nintendo Switch™ screen to connect the app to your Nintendo Switch™.
- Use the companion app as your personal controller in the faithful conversion of the classic board game.
- Pick your commander. The commander’s fleets feature unique and authentic art for each of the many warships.
- Hide your ships on the grid in arenas inspired by historical naval battles.
- On your turn call your shot and fire!
- Use special abilities in Commanders Mode to shake up the strategic possibilities each turn.
- Watch your opponent’s ships sink on the big screen.
Play your favourite tactical board game with your friends and family now!
BATTLESHIP is a trademark of Hasbro and is used with permission. © 2019 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
使用官方的BATTLESHIP配套應用程序撥打電話並開火。配套應用程序直接連接到Nintendo Switch™上的BATTLESHIP,並充當控制器。此應用不包括完整遊戲。
使用Nintendo Switch™上的BATTLESHIP本地多人遊戲模式,在大屏幕上與您的朋友和家人一起玩經典的孩之寶桌面遊戲正式版。在戰場上找到你朋友的船隻並在他們消滅你的船隊之前沉沒他們的艦隊。
它很容易上手。在Nintendo Switch™上啟動BATTLESHIP。從主菜單中選擇與朋友一起播放,然後選擇本地。打開官方配套應用程序並輸入Nintendo Switch™屏幕上顯示的大廳代碼,將應用程序連接到Nintendo Switch™。
- 使用配套應用程序作為您的個人控制器,忠實轉換經典棋盤遊戲。
- 選擇你的指揮官。指揮官的艦隊為許多戰艦中的每一艘都配備了獨特而真實的藝術品。
- 在歷史海戰的啟發下,在競技場中隱藏您的船隻。
- 輪到你打電話和射擊!
- 在指揮官模式中使用特殊技能來動搖每一輪的戰略可能性。
- 觀看對手的船隻在大屏幕上下沉。
BATTLESHIP是Hasbro的商標,經許可使用。 ©2019 Hasbro。版權所有。