BlackBerry Share


IMPORTANT NOTE: The BlackBerry Share application will not operate without the necessary back-end software. Please contact your IT administrator for a username and password.

BlackBerry ShareTM is a secure file sharing application that improves collaboration across enterprise workers. BlackBerry Share enables workers to access, sync and share corporate documents instantly from SharePoint and other file server repositories with no VPN, firewall re-configurations, or extra stores. 
BlackBerry Share provides enterprise IT the assurance that their mobile workforce is compliant with regulatory requirements and that critical data is fully secured and protected.

End user features: 

•Browse, download, upload, email, and delete corporate documents
•Save documents on the device for offline access
•Open documents in trusted, corporate approved applications for editing
•Access SharePoint sites and check documents in and out
•Make changes to documents and synchronize them back to file servers
•View the same network resource names on the iPad as on your PC

IT administration features:

•End-to-end security and governance
•Encrypt data in-transit and at-rest using FIPS-certified AES
•Integrate into your organization’s Active Directory, and Good’s user authentication protocol
•Provides the ability to specify an application level password for added protection in the event of device loss
•Supports granular document policies for regulatory or legal requirements
•Only allows documents to be shared by trusted, approved apps that are appropriate for productivity.
•Ensures multi-factor authentication for device and user validity
•Requires no need for device to be connected via VPN
•Keeps document audit logs and provides reporting by keyword search
•Automatically wipes saved “Favorites” following a time lapse if the device is lost, or IT administration can wipe documents remotely without interfering with personal information

Contact your business IT team to ask about powering your productivity with BlackBerry Share.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The BlackBerry Share application will not operate without the necessary back-end software. Please contact your IT administrator for a username and password.

BlackBerry Share™ is a secure file sharing application that improves collaboration across enterprise workers. BlackBerry Share enables workers to access, sync and share corporate documents instantly from SharePoint and other file server repositories with no VPN, firewall re-configurations, or extra datastores.

BlackBerry Share provides enterprise IT the assurance that their mobile workforce is compliant with regulatory requirements and that critical data is fully secured and protected.

BlackBerry Share supports Android™ devices running KitKat v4.4 OS (or later). Here’s what’s available in BlackBerry Share v3.2.5:

End user features:

- Browse, download, upload, email, and delete corporate documents

- Save documents on the device for offline access

- Access SharePoint™ sites and check documents in and out

- Make changes to documents and synchronize them back to file servers

- View the same network resource names on your mobile device as on your PC

IT administration features:

- End-to-end security and governance

- Encrypt data in-transit and at-rest using FIPS-certified AES

- Integrate into your organization’s Active Directory, and BlackBerry’s user authentication protocol

- Supports granular document policies for regulatory or legal requirements

- Only allows documents to be shared by trusted, approved apps that are appropriate for productivity

- Ensures multi-factor authentication for device and user validity

- Requires no need for device to be connected via VPN

- Keeps document audit logs and provides reporting by keyword search

- IT administration can remotely wipe the application and its contents without interfering with personal information

Contact your business IT team to ask about powering your productivity with BlackBerry Share.

This app users the BlackBerry Dynamics Secure Mobility Platform to safely segregate corporate data from personal data on any device, personally owned or corporate liable, without compromising user privacy. BlackBerry-secured apps protect business data on the device, over the air and when shared between apps. Learn more about BlackBerry at
- 瀏覽,下載,上傳,電子郵件和刪除公司文件

- 保存文件脫機訪問設備上

- 訪問SharePoint網站™,檢查進出證件

- 進行更改文檔,並將它們同步回文件服務器

- 查看您的移動設備在同一網絡資源的名稱作為您的PC上

- 終端到終端的安全和治理

- 使用加密數據在途和靜止FIPS認證的AES

- 集成到您的組織的Active Directory和黑莓的用戶認證協議

- 支持監管或法律要求顆粒狀政策文件

- 僅允許通過受信任的,批准的應用程序,適用於生產率共享文檔

- 確保多因素身份驗證設備和用戶有效性

- 需要不需要通過VPN連接裝置

- 保持文檔審計日誌,並提供了關鍵字搜索報告

- IT管理可以遠程擦除該應用程序及其內容不提供個人信息干擾



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