Braveland Wizard


The old school turn-based strategy game is back - welcome to Braveland Wizard! The graduate of the Academy of Magic is ready for new adventures. Her journey begins high in the mountains and passes through the southern lands, populated by orcs, ghosts, and mysterious nomads.

- New hero - Wizard
- An entire set of unique battles with unexpected surprises
- Dungeons for random battles and worthy rewards
- Piles of stylish artifacts
- Three schools of pure battle magic
- A talent tree that changes the nature of battle
- A brave team of combat allies: monk, ice archer, elementalist, and many more
- A hand-drawn game world with a huge waterfall
- And, last but not least, three cunning bosses

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老派的回合制策略遊戲又回來了 - 歡迎Braveland精靈!魔法學院的畢業生已準備好新的冒險。她的旅程,開始在高山區和穿過南部的土地,居住著獸人,鬼,和神秘的游牧民族。

- 新的英雄 - 嚮導
- 一個完整的一套獨特的戰鬥與意想不到的驚喜
- 地下城隨機的戰鬥,值得獎勵
- 時尚文物樁
- 三所學校的純淨魔戰
- 改變戰鬥性質的天賦樹
- 戰鬥的盟友勇敢的團隊:和尚,冰箭手,元素師,還有更多
- 手繪的遊戲世界有巨大的瀑布
- 最後但並非最不重要的,三狡猾的老闆

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