Brownies - magic family game


Exciting time management game with strategic elements.

Imagine your living room overgrown by firs and pines, the bathroom has overflown the banks, the bedroom is bogged down, and office taken over by castle ruins... Sounds incredible? Not for the land of the brownies, it isn’t! Here, familiar things are deeply intertwined with a fairytale landscape, creating breath-taking scenery. Dive into a fascinating story, in which the mundane is deeply intertwined with magic! Befriend the brownies and challenge the evil Boggart!

Game features:
- 50 entertaining levels, in which our world remarkably intertwines with magic
- Classic time-management gameplay that will keep you on your toes
- An incredibly enthralling story with sudden plot twists
- Land of magic: picturesque fjords, azure islands, mystical forest, world of nightmares and many other wonderful places
- Entertaining and wonderfully lively characters, who will not leave you untouched
- Astonishing, lovingly crafted visuals
- Spellbinding music with Celtic motives

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媽媽的生活是在動盪 - 首先是奶奶去錯過,那麼媽媽發現自己在一片神奇的土地和新結識布朗尼乞求她幫忙找布朗尼'王國的統治者失踪。

踏上旅程Brownieland,那裡的探險,建築和尊貴的朋友們等待著,還有你最無情的敵人 - 時間。


- 一個異想天開的故事跨越1​​0章將展示親情,友情的重要性,並幫助那些需要的人。
- 在管理時間的一種體裁50令人費解的水平 - 這需要細緻的策略。
- 3害蟲包括浣熊,蜘蛛和一隻烏鴉的;加入隨機因素的遊戲。
食品,石材,木材和黃金: - 4的資源與管理。
- 手繪背景,其中住宅的房間交織的神奇的土地 - 在廚房裡瀑布,魔法在研究塔,並在車庫地下溶洞。
- 建築師需要! Brownieland是一片廢墟!修復道路,恢復第一個國王的雕像和重建牛奶廠。
- 布朗尼法術為您服務 - 加快你的角色,促進資源開採和命令的時間。

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