Burger Shop 2 Deluxe


Burger Shop 2, the sequel to the wildly successful food making game, Burger Shop, is now available!

In Burger Shop, you successfully created a universal chain of restaurants and found fame and fortune... Until one day, you found yourself in a dumpster with a bump on your head, your diner boarded up, and no memory of how any of it happened.

Now in Burger Shop 2 you must rebuild your restaurant empire, adding new twists to your menu to entice new customers while uncovering the truth about what happened to your original hamburger chain. Use your time management skills cooking and serving food for hungry customers. Upgrade your kitchen to provide your customers with different types of food like hamburgers, cheese burgers, chicken sandwiches, French fries, onion rings, salads, pizza, donuts, waffles, pancakes, pasta, steak, cakes, pies, ice cream sundaes and much, much more! Can you dash around serving hungry customers tasty food and discover the truth of what happened to your original burger chain?

Join the Burger Shop 2 craze and grab ingredients from the BurgerTron 2000 to create tasty food items to serve hungry customers in this fast-paced food shop game!


• 120 Story Levels and 120 Expert Levels!
• Challenge Modes and Relax Modes!
• Serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
• Over 100 different food items!
• Over 100 trophies to collect!
• Unlimited play!

Burger Shop 2 offers endless play with four different game modes!


• Story Mode - Rebuild your restaurant empire, and solve the mystery of who or what destroyed your original burger chain.

• Challenge Mode - Play fever-pitched, fast one-minute rounds - but don't lose a customer or it's all over! It's Burger Mania!

• Relax Mode - Serve food without any pressure or stress. Customers are infinitely patient.

• Expert Mode - So, you think you are the Burger Master Chef? Put your food-making skills to the test!

Available in 11 languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Indonesian, Russian, and Japanese.

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Burger Shop 2 Deluxe 是 Burger Shop 2 的付費版本,具有完全相同的遊戲玩法和關卡。我們的豪華版遊戲不顯示任何廣告,不收集任何用戶數據,並且只需一次性購買即可完全永久玩!

Burger Shop 2 是大獲成功的美食製作遊戲 Burger Shop 的續集,現已推出!


現在,在 Burger Shop 2 中,您必須重建您的餐廳帝國,為您的菜單添加新的花樣以吸引新客戶,同時揭開您原來的漢堡連鎖店發生的真相。使用您的時間管理技能為飢餓的顧客烹飪和提供食物。升級您的廚房,為您的顧客提供不同類型的食物,如漢堡包、奶酪漢堡、雞肉三明治、炸薯條、洋蔥圈、沙拉、比薩餅、甜甜圈、華夫餅、煎餅、意大利面、牛排、蛋糕、餡餅、冰淇淋聖代等等, 多得多!您能否四處奔走為飢餓的顧客提供美味的食物,並發現您原來的漢堡連鎖店發生的事情的真相?

加入 Burger Shop 2 熱潮,從 BurgerTron 2000 中獲取食材,在這款快節奏的食品店遊戲中製作美味的食品,為飢餓的顧客提供服務!


• 120 個故事關卡和 120 個專家關卡!
• 挑戰模式和放鬆模式!
• 供應早餐、午餐和晚餐!
• 100 多種不同的食物!
• 超過 100 個獎杯等你來收集!
• 無限暢玩!

Burger Shop 2 提供四種不同遊戲模式的無盡遊戲!


• 故事模式- 重建您的餐廳帝國,並解開誰或什麼毀壞了您原來的漢堡連鎖店的謎團。

• 挑戰模式 - 玩狂熱的一分鐘快速回合 - 但不要失去客戶,否則一切都結束了!這是漢堡狂熱!

• 放鬆模式 - 提供食物,沒有任何壓力或壓力。客戶是無限耐心的。

• 專家模式- 那麼,你認為你是漢堡大廚嗎?考驗你的烹飪技巧!

提供 11 種語言版本:英語、德語、西班牙語、法語、意大利語、荷蘭語、葡萄牙語、瑞典語、印度尼西亞語、俄語和日語。

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