

Discover Cabify, a transport app that lets you move around the city comfortably and safely with your private car and driver. Begin to travel around your city Cabify style. With just a couple of taps of the app you can order a ride. In a few minutes you’ll have a car with a chauffeur waiting to take you wherever you want. And all with high safety standards.

How does Cabify work?

1. Order or reserve your journey. Open the app and tell us where you are and where you want to go. Choose the type of vehicle your want to travel in; Lite, Kids, Executive… discover all the options available in your city!
2. Confirm your journey and… a driver’s on their way! We’ll tell you the name of your driver and your vehicle details including the registration plate, and how far away it is.
3. Know the price before you travel. Forget about taximeters because we tell you from the start how much you’ll pay for the ride. What’s more, you can select the payment method that most suits you (credit or debit card, cash, PayPal… ).
4. Share the experience. You can send your journey details to family or friends so they know where you are in each moment.

What’s more, you can personalize your ride. In the Cabify app, select what music your prefer, whether you want the driver to open the door for you and if you want the air-conditioning on. All so you can move around the city in the most comfortable way possible.

Where is Cabify available?

Cabify is already available in more than 40 cities and is becoming a great alternative to owning a car or to other means of transport such as public transport or taxis.
- Mexico: Mexico City, Guadalajara, Mérida, Monterrey, Querétaro, Puebla.
- Colombia: Barranquilla, Bogotá, Cali, Medellín.
- Chile: Concepción, Santiago, Valparaíso.
- Ecuador: Guayaquil, Quito
- Panama: Panama City.
- Peru: Lima.
- Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rosario, Mendoza.
- Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo.
- Brazil: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Campinas, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, São Paulo.
- Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Seville, Valencia, Alicante.
- Portugal: Lisbon, Porto, Algarve.

What advantages does the Cabify app give you?

- Safety for you and yours. All journeys are geolocalized and can be shared immediately with a family member or friend, so they know which car and driver you’re with and where you are.
- The best drivers in the market. The selection process in Cabify is the most rigorous around. All the drivers go through a series of tests and training.
- Know the price before you travel. In all our journeys we show you the price before you order a ride. This way you can travel relaxed, knowing how much you’re going to pay.
- 100% personalization. You decide how you want to get around. Cabify differs from other public transport options or taxis due to how customizable it is to use. From choosing the payment method that best fits you to selecting the type of music that you’d like to hear. And all without any extra costs.
- With just one account, more than 40 cities. If you like to travel with Cabify you can do so in more than ten countries without the need to create new accounts or worry about how to pay.

Do you want to be a driver with Cabify?

If what really moves you is helping others discover the city, join one of the fleets of drivers that use Cabify. Start to drive with a safe app that offers you the best fares. Learn more and register in or download the Cabify Drivers app.

Looking for corporate transport options for your business?

Offer your employees the best cars and drivers, with Cabify. Our corporate service will allow you to have a large fleet of vehicles at your disposal, designed to meet all your company’s needs. In addition, our management platform will allow you to have greater control of expenses and journeys made. Find out more at

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無論您是想乘坐出租車在城市中移動、訂購私家車還是將您的物品從城市的一個區域運送到另一個區域,Cabify 都是您的交通和移動應用程序。 並且不放棄最重要的事情:旅行的安全和質量。


Cabify 是如何工作的?

1. 預訂或請求您的汽車或出租車。在應用程序中註明您所在的位置。選擇您的目的地,以及您想使用的交通工具:Cabify、出租車或送貨。

2. 確認您訂購旅行的請求,就是這樣!我們將為您提供汽車或出租車和司機的詳細信息,無論是旅行還是送貨。

3. 出行前始終了解預估價格。我們會告訴您您將為您的汽車或出租車支付多少費用。此外,您可以選擇最適合您的付款方式:借記卡、信用卡或現金。

4. 分享你的旅程。將您的旅行詳情發送給家人和朋友,讓他們隨時了解您的位置,讓您感覺更安全。

此外,您將始終採取最大的安全措施。所有用戶 - 司機和乘客 - 必須佩戴口罩出行,汽車和出租車經常清潔和通風,並配有分隔板。

乘坐 Cabify 有哪些優勢?

🚘 您的旅行安全是我們的首要任務。所有旅行都經過地理定位,可以立即與任何家人或朋友分享。他們將能夠看到您乘坐的出租車或汽車,與您同行的司機,甚至您在旅途中的位置。

🚘 一個非常易於使用的應用程序。您將比 Usain Bolt 更快地訂購出租車或送貨。

🚘 送貨。我們不只是移動你,我們也移動你的東西。我們的司機會用他們的汽車或摩托車將您想要的東西從一個地方帶到另一個地方。這再簡單不過了!

🚘 為您提供更多選擇。因為我們知道您並不總是以相同的方式旅行,所以我們為各種場合提供免費的汽車和出租車。 Cabify 為您的日常旅行,出租車盡快到達那裡,或交付接收您想要的東西。

🚘 碳中和旅行。我們通過 Cabify 抵消您旅行產生的所有二氧化碳排放量。選擇考慮環境的交通方式!

🚘最好的司機。在 Cabify,我們在接受汽車或出租車司機方面有最嚴格的標準。

🚘 沒有驚喜。在您要求旅行之前,我們會顯示價格。通過這種方式,您可以放心地知道您將支付多少費用。

🚘 100% 定制。你決定如何移動。從最適合您的付款方式中選擇您想在收音機上播放的節拍。

🚘 適合所有人。 Cabify 的應用程序可供視力障礙人士使用,我們為殘疾人士提供無障礙設置。

在哪裡可以買到 Cabify?

Cabify 現在可在 8 個國家/地區使用,因此您可以駕車或乘坐出租車出行。在波哥大、利馬、馬德里或布宜諾斯艾利斯等城市訂購您的出租車司機,並開始使用領先的出租車應用程序享受更多交通選擇:乘車、摩托車送貨、機場出租車等。在 上詳細了解每個城市提供的所有服務。

想為司機使用 Cabify 並成為一名出租車司機?

如果您熱衷於幫助他人發現您的城市,請訪問 了解更多信息或下載 Cabify Driver 應用程序。



下載 Cabify,您的汽車或出租車運輸應用程序,然後在您的城市周圍移動或發送您想要的任何東西。

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