Prove your accuracy by destroying popping-up moving targets and fight against time in the new "hit-the-target" mode! Show off your skills and impress your friends while collecting bonuses and knocking down cans moving on a conveyor! Can Knockdown 2 is like three top-notch games in one - it will keep you, your family and friends hooked for months to come! Get this new iDreams title now and lose yourself in a world of addictive gameplay, amazing physics and global competition! Definitely a must have in your games collection!
Millions of players can't be wrong! Once again your aiming skills will be put to test but this time more challenges await! Can Knockdown 2 is the ultimate sequel you've been wishing for - 3 amazing and rewarding game modes which will keep you playing all night long, high-resolution eye-catching gorgeous 3D graphics, full Game Center support, true to life physics, realistic sounds and so much more!
Media Reviews:
"excellent and original" - iPhone Life
"my favorite casual iPhone game" - Crazy Mike Apps
"Can Knockdown 2 has the feel of a party Wii game on your iPad, without the wrist injuries." - iPad Critic
"Everything looks so natural" - Orange iPhone
"a high level of addictivity" - iPlayApps
"my top time-killer app!" - iPhone App Preview
"outstanding example of creativity and enormous game fun factor." - iReviewt
"Excellent graphics, addictive gameplay" - Ukrainian iPhone
"We must warn you: this game is catchier than any other. Playing Can Knockdown 2 can cause addiction." - Letemsvetemapplem
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"上百万玩家的眼光,绝对错不了!2010年最受欢迎游戏,伴随着全新惊心动魄的关卡以及更为精确的狙击战斗,卷土重来!再一次,您的狙击技巧将经受考验,不同的是这次有着更多的挑战等着你!Can Knockdown 2 是您翘首以盼的终极续集——三种惊人而又有益的游戏模式将令您整夜爱不释手,耀眼的高分辨率3D图形,逼真画面和音质,更多精彩等你挖掘!
改进提高后空前经典的 Can Knockdown 将给您全新体验,在瞄准并向成堆的罐头抛球的时候,您也是在挑战自己的弱点!在全新的“hit-the-target”模式中,与时间赛跑,通过击毁突然出现的移动目标来证明的准确度!在收集额外奖励并击倒传动带上移动着的罐子时,可以向朋友炫耀你的技术并给他们深刻的印象!Can Knockdown 2 就像三个顶尖游戏的整合体,将让你以及你的家人朋友在数月的时间里爱不释手!现在就下载这一新 iDream 游戏吧,在这有着令人着迷的游戏设置,惊奇画面以及全球竞争榜的游戏世界中尽情享受吧!绝对是你的游戏收藏中不可缺少的一部分!"