Challenges - Compete, Get Fit


Get fit and compete with friends, family and coworkers with team-based challenges with the Challenges app. ‘Cause everybody needs a little healthy competition.


Getting started with Challenges is easy. Join a team challenge and aim to complete your Stand, Move, and Exercise rings. Whether you get there by shakin’ it to Queen Bey or taking the furthest spot in the parking lot, it’s up to you. Keep tabs on your progress via Apple Watch, the Challenges App, or the Health app. Watch in real time as your teammates get closer to closing their rings - they’re cheering you on to do the same!

The more you move, the more you’re rewarded.
Stack up your points to earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals. Go for the gold!
Check progress on your next medal
Bask in the glow of medals you’ve racked up from all of your Challenges

What gets you stepping better than your L.A. Lights sneakers from the 90s? Accountability. Spark a little friendly banter to fuel your fitness flame.
Get and send nudges from your teammates (Tell Dan from the second floor to start taking the stairs if he’s reppin’ your team Mission-Fitpossible)
Comment on the challenge wall to share tips or coordinate a workout
Invite a friend to join your team, via email or text (Emojis 100% acceptable)

On the Watch
Pump yourself up wherever you go with just a glance at your wrist.
Check in on team ranking
See when you’re closing in on an achievement
Compare your daily average so you can gauge your progress.
Get notified when someone nudges you
Get pinged when one of your teammates is rocking it. “Dan just closed all three rings!” Boom, send back applause hands. Somebody’s been snubbing the elevator.

Get your watch charged, your team amped, and your sneakers ready, ‘cause you’ve got a challenge to win.

Challenges integrates with the Health App on your iPhone to retrieve the data it uses to determine by how much you've just beaten all your friends.

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使用 Challenges 應用程序鍛煉身體並與朋友、家人和同事競爭。

- 這個怎麼運作 -
挑戰入門很容易。首先在我們的 Move More 或 Eat Well 挑戰類型之間進行選擇。 Move More 是一項以步驟為重點的挑戰,讓您可以與擁有手機或可穿戴設備的任何人競爭。 Eat Well 專注於營養和運動,並為您提供更好的飲食積分。從那裡,您可以在我們的兩種比賽類型之間進行選擇:團隊摔倒或單人摔倒。在團隊挑戰中,加入一個 4 人的團隊,與其他團隊在挑戰中競爭。


-- 輕推 --
是什麼讓您比 90 年代的 L.A. Lights 運動鞋更出色?問責制。點燃一些友好的玩笑來點燃你的健身火焰。
通過電子郵件或短信邀請朋友加入您的團隊(表情符號 100% 可接受)

Challenges 與 Google Fit 和 Fitbit 集成,以檢索它需要的數據,以確定您剛剛擊敗了所有朋友的程度。其他支持的平台即將推出!

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