Ciro's Tarot Decoratif


Ciro Marchetti’s sumptuous Tarot Decoratif combines imagery from Tarots de Marseille and the RWS deck. Ciro has created a novel form of Tarot: while the cards have deep roots in Tarot de Marseille, the pips are far more illustrated.

Tarot Decoratif looks to the Tarot de Marseille for card titles, suit names, and card order, reversing Strength and Justice from the RWS. The Major Arcana figures also draw on Marseille imagery, with two women in L’Amoureux, a Bataleur wearing his lemniscate hat, and a Fool’s Dog biting The Fool’s trousers.

The Minor Arcana draws on both traditions of Tarot. Stained glass patterns in luscious colors provide backgrounds in all the cards. Each card includes its number of suit icons along with small scenes evoking the RWS. Ciro has reduced the RWS iconography to a few essential elements, and woven those designs into the harmonious arrangements of Epees, Batons, Coupes, and Derniers.

Tarot Decoratif was created for an audience of Tarot aficianados interested in a unique exploration by an acknowledged master of Tarot art. Here you will find captivatingly lovely cards rooted in Tarot’s oldest traditions, combined with much modern elements from the RWS deck. The resulting cards are unique, a novel deck with an elegance all its own.

*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners and experts
*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images
*Full support for all current iOS devices
*Sophisticated journal
*Includes unabridged compact book in English only
*Includes short card meanings in English only
*User interface in English only
*18 spreads built in
*Design your own layout with Free Form
*Allow reversed cards or not
*Option to use Major Arcana only
*Zoom in to enlarge card details
*Share reading via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter
*Animated shuffle & cut
*Optional voice prompts
*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths
*Many adjustable settings

Ciro Marchetti has created a unique alchemical hybrid with Tarot Decoratif!

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Ciro Marchetti與Tarot Decoratif創造了一種獨特的煉金術混合體!
Ciro Marchetti的豪華Tarot Decoratif結合了Tarots de Marseille和RWS甲板的圖像。 Ciro創造了一種新穎的塔羅牌形式:雖然卡片在馬賽塔羅牌上有著深厚的根基,但是這些牌照的例證更為明顯。

Tarot Decoratif向Tarot de Marseille尋求卡片名稱,套裝名稱和卡片順序,從RWS扭轉強度和正義。 Arcana的主要人物也藉鑑了馬賽的圖像,兩名女子在L'Amoureux,一名女子戴著他的lemniscate帽子,還有一隻傻瓜狗咬著The Fool的褲子。

Minor Arcana借鑒了塔羅牌的兩種傳統。鮮豔色彩的彩色玻璃圖案為所有卡片提供了背景。每張卡片都包含許多套裝圖標以及喚起RWS的小場景。 Ciro將RWS圖像學簡化為一些必要元素,並將這些設計融入Epees,Batons,Coupes和Derniers的和諧安排中。


*僅限使用Major Arcana的選項

Ciro Marchetti與Tarot Decoratif創造了一種獨特的煉金術混合體!

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