Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic


Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic is a single-player puzzle based on Tic-Tac-Toe, a pencil-and-paper game many of us used to enjoy as children. Using pure logic and requiring no math to solve, these addictive puzzles offer endless fun and intellectual entertainment to puzzle fans of all skills and ages.

Each puzzle consists of a grid containing X's and O's in various places. The object is to place X or O in remaining squares so there are no more than two consecutive X's or O's in a row or a column, the number of X's is the same as the number of O's in each row and each column, and all rows and all columns are unique.

The game features a ruler to help viewing and comparing rows or columns, counters to show how many X and O there are in each row and column, and pencilmarks to place temporary X or O when solving very hard puzzles.

For more fun, Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic includes a Weekly Bonus section providing an extra free puzzle each week.


• 90 free Classic Tic-Tac-Logic puzzle samples
• 30 extra-large puzzles bonus for iPad only
• Extra bonus puzzle published free each week
• Multiple difficulty levels from very easy to extremely hard
• Puzzle library continuously updates with new content
• Manually selected, top quality puzzles
• Unique solution for each puzzle
• Hours of intellectual challenge and fun
• Sharpens logic and improves cognitive skills


• Concurrently playing and saving multiple puzzles
• Puzzle library sorting and hiding options
• Unlimited Undo and Redo
• Ruler for easy row/column viewing and comparing
• Row and column counter boxes
• Pencilmarks for solving hard puzzles
• Check puzzle
• Track puzzle solving times


Tic-Tac-Logic have also become popular under other names such as Binero, Binaire, Binairo, Binoxxo, Noughts and Crosses and Takuzu. Similar to Sudoku, Kakuro and Hashi, the puzzles are solved using logic alone. All puzzles in this app are produced by Conceptis Ltd. - the leading supplier of logic puzzles to printed and electronic gaming media all over the world. On average, more than 20 million Conceptis puzzles are solved each day in newspapers, magazines, books and online as well as on smartphones and tablets across the world.

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Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic是一款基於Tic-Tac-Toe的單人拼圖遊戲,Tic-Tac-Toe是一種鉛筆和紙質遊戲,我們許多人從小就喜歡玩。這些令人上癮的謎題使用純邏輯並且不需要數學來求解,因此為各種技能和年齡的迷提供了無盡的樂趣和智力娛樂。




為了獲得更多樂趣,Conceptis Tic-Tac-Logic包括“每週獎金”部分,每週提供一個額外的免費難題。






Tic-Tac-Logic也以Binero,Binaire,Binairo,Binoxxo,Noughts and Crosss和Takuzu等其他名稱而流行。與Sudoku,Kakuro和Hashi相似,僅使用邏輯即可解決難題。此應用程序中的所有拼圖均由Conceptis Ltd.生產。ConceptisLtd.是全球印刷和電子遊戲媒體邏輯拼圖的領先供應商。每天,報紙,雜誌,書籍,在線以及智能手機和平板電腦上平均每天解決超過2000萬個Conceptis難題。

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