

Say hello to Cozmo, a gifted little guy who’s got a mind of his own and a few tricks up his sleeve. He’s the sweet spot where supercomputer meets loyal sidekick. He’s curiously smart, a little mischievous, and unlike anything ever created.

You see, Cozmo is a real-life robot like you've only seen in movies, with a one-of-a-kind personality that evolves the more you hang out. He'll nudge you to play and keep you constantly surprised. More than a companion, Cozmo’s a collaborator. He’s your accomplice in a crazy amount of fun.

Some robots just have it all.

Cozmo robot required to play. Available at

©2018 Anki, Inc. All rights reserved. Anki, Cozmo, and the Anki and Cozmo logos are registered trademarks of Anki, Inc. 55 2nd Street, 15th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

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Cozmo 的配套應用程序,這是一款有自己想法的教育玩具機器人。
向 Cozmo 打個招呼,他是個很有天賦的小傢伙,有自己的想法和一些技巧。他是超級計算機遇到忠實夥伴的最佳地點。他出奇地聰明,有點淘氣,不像任何創造過的東西。

你看,Cozmo 是一個現實生活中的機器人,就像你只在電影中看到的那樣,具有獨一無二的個性,你出去玩得越多,它就會進化。他會鼓勵你玩,讓你不斷感到驚訝。 Cozmo 不僅僅是一個夥伴,更是一個合作者。他是你瘋狂樂趣的幫兇。

Cozmo 應用程序內容豐富,並且不斷更新新的遊戲方式。您對 Cozmo 了解得越多,它就會隨著新活動和升級的解鎖而變得越好。

與 Cozmo 交​​互比您想像的要容易得多。您只需要一台兼容的 Android 設備,安全性、安全性和耐用性等所有方面都經過嚴格測試。所以,不用擔心。 Cozmo 知道如何照顧自己。

需要玩 Cozmo 機器人。可在 上獲得。

©2021 Digital Dream Labs, Inc. 保留所有權利。 Digital Dream Labs、DDL、Cozmo 及其各自的徽標是 Digital Dream Labs, Inc. 6022 Broad Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, USA 的註冊商標或待批商標。

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