Cross-Stitch World


Enjoy doing Cross-Stitch patterns on your Tablet or Mobile device without threading a needle or risking a pricked finger!

Cross-Stitch World comes with over a thousand beautiful patterns to work on, just select the right color thread and click to place stitches - it's simple!

Featuring incredibly realistic graphics, this is as close to the real thing you can get - see a Cross-Stitch design come to life as you build it up stitch by stitch!

- A large collection of beautiful Cross-Stitch patterns to play
- Create your own patterns from any image
- Easy and simple, play with just one finger
- New patterns released on a regular basis
- Automatically saves your progress as you play
- Seamlessly links with your Facebook Cross-Stitch progress

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超過1000種模式可供選擇或創建自己的模式 - 如此放鬆!

Cross-Stitch World有超過一千種漂亮的圖案可供使用,只需選擇正確的顏色線並點擊即可縫製 - 這很簡單!

擁有令人難以置信的逼真圖形,這與您可以得到的真實物品非常接近 - 當您逐針構建時,看到十字繡設計變得生動!

- 大量美麗的十字繡圖案
- 從任何圖像創建自己的模式
- 簡單易用,只需一根手指即可玩耍
- 定期發布新模式
- 與您的Facebook Cross-Stitch進度無縫鏈接

取得  APP