Crypto Prices


Do you need actual value of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin and Peercoin? Crypto Prices is the best way to monitor actual exchange rates of various of crypto currencies. Download Crypto Prices app for FREE.

* Use advantage of iOS7 background mode. Value of your currency is shown as BADGE on your home screen.
* Actual exchange rate.
* Exchange rates from Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin and Peercoin to USD and EUR.
* Easy to use!

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Cryptocurrencies latest prices app will tell you the latest rates of all crypto coins. Interest of people in cryptocurrencies is increasing day by day people are coming in the business of these cryptocurrencies.
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These crypto prices app will tell you the exact latest rate of the coin. You can compare crypto prices app with coinmarketcap's rates.


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