Decibel Meter Pro is the hottest, most feature packed decibel meter on iTunes! With killer graphics optimized for the iPhone, the Retina display and the iPad! Decibel Meter Pro has been in the Top Utilities on iTunes since it's release! Download your copy today and find out why!
* Decibel Meter Pro is TUAW's Daily iPad App July 5th, 2011! *
"At US$0.99, Decibel Meter Pro is a bargain. It's a great tool for anyone who is concerned about noise levels or who needs a tool for measuring just how loud the neighbor's barking dog is."
Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter Pro is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Are these sound levels safe for my hearing? Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how loud is this lecture anyhow? How good is the sound isolation in this room? Decibel Meter Pro can help! Download Decibel Meter Pro and measure the sounds around you right now!
Decibel Meter Pro is also included in our flagship app called Audio Tool. It is a complete bundle of handy audio apps, which can also be found on iTunes.
The iPhone's built in microphone is sensitive from 0 to approximately 130 decibels.
Why aren't you getting a 0 decibel reading in a quiet room? A decibel is an actual measurement of sound pressure and aside from a vacuum chamber or out in space 0 dB is not really possible to read. An average quiet room will be in the 40-50 dB range.
- A, B, C and Z (unweighted) frequency weightings!
- Sensitivity Fader! Be as sensitive as you've always wanted to be!
- Liquid rotating interface!
- Hold your device with the mic aimed at the source. The display will automatically rotate upside down for you.
- Start or stop Decibel Meter Pro any time.
- Easy to read interface with amazing graphics optimized for Retina displays!
- Measure the sound levels around you, with ease!
- Large digital and analog style readouts.
- Average, Peak and Max level displays.
- Reset the Max level readout by tapping on it's digital readout.
- Calibrate the measurements plus or minus 15 decibels.
- Decide whether or not you want your device to sleep while metering.
- Reset settings to defaults.
Decibel Meter Pro is the hottest, most feature packed decibel meter on Google Play! With killer graphics optimized for your device! Decibel Meter Pro has been in the Top Utilities on the App Store since it's release! Download your copy today and find out why!
* Decibel Meter Pro is TUAW's Daily iPad App July 5th, 2011! *
"At US$0.99, Decibel Meter Pro is a bargain. It's a great tool for anyone who is concerned about noise levels or who needs a tool for measuring just how loud the neighbor's barking dog is."
Useful, beautiful and lots of fun, Decibel Meter Pro is a must have app for your device! Simply launch the app and start reading the sound levels that surround you every day! Are these sound levels safe for my hearing? Want to know just how loud this club is? Just how loud is this lecture anyhow? How good is the sound isolation in this room? Decibel Meter Pro can help! Download Decibel Meter Pro and measure the sounds around you right now!
Why aren't you getting a 0 decibel reading in a quiet room? A decibel is an actual measurement of sound pressure and aside from a vacuum chamber or out in space 0 dB is not really possible to read. An average quiet room will be in the 40-50 dB range.
- A, B, C and Z (unweighted) frequency weightings!
- Sensitivity Fader! Be as sensitive as you've always wanted to be!
- Liquid rotating interface!
- Hold your device with the mic aimed at the source. The display will automatically rotate upside down for you.
- Start or stop Decibel Meter Pro any time.
- Easy to read interface with amazing graphics optimized for high-res displays!
- Measure the sound levels around you, with ease!
- Large digital and analog style readouts.
- Average, Peak and Max level displays.
- Reset the Max level readout by tapping on it's digital readout.
- Calibrate the measurements plus or minus 15 decibels.
- Decide whether or not you want your device to sleep while metering.
分貝計專業版是Google Play上最熱門,功能最豐富的分貝計!為您的設備優化了殺手級圖形!自發行以來,Decibel Meter Pro一直是App Store上的頂級實用工具!立即下載副本,找出原因!
* Decibel Meter Pro是TUAW的每日iPad應用程序,2011年7月5日! *
“ Decibel Meter Pro的價格為0.99美元,是一個便宜貨。對於任何關心噪聲水平或需要一種工具來測量鄰居的吠叫狗聲音的人來說,它都是一個不錯的工具。”
Decibel Meter Pro實用,美觀且充滿樂趣,是您設備上必備的應用程序!只需啟動該應用程序,並開始閱讀每天環繞您的聲音級別!這些聲級對我的聽力安全嗎?想知道這個俱樂部有多響嗎?這個講座到底有多響?這個房間的隔音效果如何?分貝計專業版可以提供幫助!立即下載Decibel Meter Pro並測量您周圍的聲音!
為什麼在一個安靜的房間裡沒有得到0分貝的讀數?分貝是聲壓的實際測量值,除了真空室或空間外,實際上無法讀取0 dB。平均安靜的房間在40-50 dB範圍內。
-隨時啟動或停止Decibel Meter Pro。