Elevation App


The Elevation App features content from Pastor Steven Furtick, who leads Elevation Church based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Elevation Church exists so that people far from God will be filled to life in Christ. To help believers strengthen their faith, this app provides access to life-changing audio and video sermons, upcoming events and relevant information about Elevation Church. Additionally, you can also share content with your friends via Twitter, Facebook and email.

For more information on Elevation Church, please visit: www.elevationchurch.org

The Elevation App was created by “Custom Church Apps TM”

Web: www.customchurchapps.com

Note: This app uses location tracking to provide information when arriving near an Elevation Church campus. Although this functionality is optimized to only work when needed, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

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Elevation Church是由牧師Steven Furtick創立並領導的多地點全球事工。我們的崇拜經歷每週末都在北卡羅來納州夏洛特現場直播。

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