If your body battery is almost empty, Energy: Anti Stress Loops is the perfect boost to power it. From the famous ∞ Infinity Loop game, this sequel takes you through a myriad of infinite levels. This is a new way of playing the Loop game!
This puzzle game will challenge your brain and encourage your creativity by having you completing lighting circuits of bulbs, wires and lightning bolts. This game is, in fact a mixture of 3 of our previous hits: Infinity Loop, Infinity Loop HEX and Current Stream.
Energy: Anti Stress Loops environment is very relaxing and interstellar, mixing a smooth soundtrack with beautiful puzzles which will blow your mind. In fact, this puzzle game has a lot to do with imagination, design, art, vision and metaphysics. By connecting all of the wires with energy sources, small pieces of art will be created, which you can photograph and store on your smartphone. In Energy: Anti Stress Loops your role is a kind of an art unlocker: once you complete the circuit, you discover the figure behind it.
The communion between the astonishing visual parts and the soothing music builds the perfect atmosphere to escape from stressful situations like traffic, subway rush hours or a busy work day. Described by the players as extremely addicting and challenging, Energy: Anti Stress Loops will take you into an infinite one way trip towards a relaxing state of mind.
If you are looking for a beautiful relaxing game, Energy: Anti Stress Loops is the perfect answer for your prayers.
How to play Energy: Anti Stress Loops?
You will easily understand how Energy: Anti Stress Loops works in the first levels as well as the purpose you will need to achieve. The apparent complexity is quickly replaced by clairvoyance and that is when fun begins! In order to complete the level, you have to rotate the objects so the energy can pass through them. When all the bulbs were illuminated, your work is done.
How many levels are there?
Energy: Anti Stress Loops is based on a logic of never-ending levels. Knowing this, you will never get bored solving the same puzzles; there will be an infinite number of puzzles to solve and everyone will play the exact same levels: If you are in the level 1000 and someone else is also on level 1000, you will be both playing the same exact level.
Can I save my game progress?
The game progress is automatically saved so you can play the level where you stopped in next game sessions. This allows you to be always discovering new levels and different figures.
Do I need to pay anything to play?
Energy: Anti Stress Loops is completely free and you don’t need to pay for playing the game. However, you can remove the ads for the price of a coffee and enjoy a more fluid version of the game.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach us via e-mail.
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Concept, development, design and copyrights: Badly Interrogated & Infinity Games.
簡單的遊戲玩法: 只需點擊線條即可旋轉並創建連接的循環。當至少一個螺栓和一盞燈通過一條線連接時,電線會發光。
放鬆: 有強迫症問題的人提到這款遊戲是讓自己變得更好的好方法。能量遊戲非常平靜 - “只需點擊線路” - 每天幾個級別足以對抗強迫症和焦慮問題。這就像用智能手機練習瑜伽一樣。
智能腦筋急轉彎: Energy 具有無盡的極簡腦筋急轉彎,可提高您的邏輯能力、放鬆您的靈魂並提高您的注意力。會讓你眼前一亮!
經典遊戲: 與其他邏輯遊戲相比,由於其簡單性,Energy 非常令人滿意,將照亮您大腦的創造力。
隨處播放:您將需要不到 20 秒的時間來點亮電路。這非常適合在巴士上或在機場等待航班時玩。無論您身在何處,都可以開始玩耍和放鬆!
能量讓人聯想到經典的 Loop,它提供的簡單性和滿足感。您只需要輕敲電線即可旋轉它並設法連接所有線路。確保傳輸至少包括一個燈圈、一根電線和一個閃電圈來照亮照明電路。當一切都連接起來時,線環會發光!
作為著名的 Infinity Loop 特許經營權的一部分,這款冷靜、簡約且智能的遊戲將幫助您應對焦慮和強迫症。您必須點擊將每根電線連接到燈並創建封閉的光傳輸,而不是關閉無限循環。點擊第一行後,您將提高注意力並減少焦慮或強迫症的任何症狀。嘗試盡可能多地照亮電路,並用積極的想法為您的靈魂充電。
在像這樣平靜的腦筋急轉彎中,你不需要超級聰明或像閃電一樣快速取得成功。使用每根電線、螺栓和燈創建功能性光圈比提供明亮的性能更重要。 ENERGY 環境令人滿意且極簡,具有平靜的配樂和無盡的光循環。該遊戲提供的正能量將為您的智能手機電池充電或讓您的大腦像星星一樣閃耀。
如果您正在尋找一款極簡的踢踏遊戲來提高注意力,那麼 ENERGY 是正確的選擇。和其他簡單易學的邏輯遊戲一樣,這款智能遊戲有著無窮無盡的腦筋急轉彎,它的結構是一個圓圈:既然你不能完成它,你的進步就像一個無盡的圓圈。非常適合在排隊等候或在機場時玩。
我們將 ENERGY 與瑜伽聯繫起來,因為這款遊戲是淨化您的思想和靈魂的絕佳方式 當您完成十幾個級別時,您的心率會減慢。就像在瑜伽練習中一樣。
注意:此遊戲也可在 Android Wear 和 Android Watches 上使用。而且也非常有趣!