Ericom Connect Mobile Client
Ericom Connect Mobile client provides quick, easy and secure mobile access to centrally published and managed Windows desktops and applications hosted on Terminal Services, RDS, virtual desktops, and physical PCs. Access your office PC and Windows apps (e.g., Word, Excel, Acrobat and other business applications) from iOS 4.2 & higher devices. Ericom Connect mobile client requires Ericom Connect v7.0 or newer installed: For ubiquitous clientless access, Ericom Connect also provides an HTML5, browser-based remote desktop RDP client called Ericom AccessNow.
Ericom Connect Mobile Highlights
- Unique patent protected technology provides unparalleled usability and productivity by automatically resizing all Windows objects to optimal size.
- Enjoy highly accurate screen control, intuitive up-down scrolling and the only mobile RDP client that supports both touchpad and floating pointers.
- Unique function bar for tablets that displays popular keys (Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, and Windows) and other productivity functions.
- Superior user experience –Blaze-powered RDP acceleration works up to 10 times faster than regular RDP clients.
Ericom Connect Broker Highlights
- Ericom Connect provides centrally published and managed Windows desktops and applications hosted on Terminal Services, RDS, virtual desktops, and physical desktops
- Powerful Alternative to Citrix - Multiplies by ten-fold the management capacity of Citrix
- 1/2 the cost of Citrix
- Provides both native remote desktop RDP client and HTML5, browser-based RDP client
(Requires Connect Server v7.0 or newer installed:
- Requires at least 512MB RAM
- RDP must be enabled on the target Windows host (Home editions of Windows do not provide RDP server support)
- Requires Ericom Connect Server v7.0 or newer installed:
- Patent-pending technology enhances productivity and usability: Makes Windows desktops & applications easier to use on mobile devices (touch environments), reduces the need to zoom and pan when using remote access. Unlike Microsoft Remote Desktop / RDC / RDP, Ericom Connect automatically adjusts the remote desktop resolution (Pixels Per Inch - PPI), and optimally resizes Windows objects (Start menu, icons, dialog boxes, etc.)
- Native resolution support
- Function bar for tablets displays frequently used keys (Esc, Tab, Ctrl, Alt, Windows) & functions – Exclusive!
- Enhanced Floater and Pointer Tools
- Pinch to Zoom
- Remote mouse mode support
- Virtual native keyboard & extended PC Keyboard support
- Copy & Paste support
- Remote Program support (auto-start program on login)
- Multilingual UI support
- Full-screen auto-resize on orientation changes (portrait to / from landscape)
- Sound / audio redirection
- 8, 16, 24 & 32 bit color
- URL Schemes
*Ericom Blaze remote desktop RDP Acceleration is included in Ericom Connect:
- Making Ericom Connect remote desktop connections extremely fast
- Enhances display performance of maps, photos, streaming video, radiology images, 3D images, Adobe Flash and PDFs.
- Great for cellular connectivity over 3G, 4G & Internet
Ericom Connect Mobile客戶端提供對終端服務,RDS,虛擬桌面和物理PC上託管的集中發布和管理的Windows桌面和應用程序的快速,輕鬆和安全的移動訪問。從Android設備訪問您的Office PC和Windows應用(例如Word,Excel,Acrobat和其他業務應用)。
Ericom Connect移動客戶端需要安裝Ericom Connect v7.0或更高版本:。對於無處不在的無客戶端訪問,Ericom Connect還提供了一個名為Ericom AccessNow的基於HTML5,基於瀏覽器的遠程桌面RDP客戶端。
Ericom Connect Mobile亮點
Ericom Connect經紀人亮點
-Ericom Connect提供集中發布和管理的Windows桌面以及託管在終端服務,RDS,虛擬桌面和物理桌面上的應用程序
-提供本地遠程桌面RDP客戶端和基於瀏覽器的HTML5 RDP客戶端
(需要安裝Connect Server v7.0或更高版本:
- 重要事項:
-至少需要512MB RAM
-需要安裝Ericom Connect Server v7.0或更高版本:。
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-正在申請專利的技術提高了生產力和可用性:使Windows桌面和應用程序更易於在移動設備(觸摸環境)上使用,減少了使用遠程訪問時縮放和平移的需要。與Microsoft遠程桌面/ RDC / RDP不同,Ericom Connect自動調整遠程桌面分辨率(每英寸像素-PPI),並以最佳方式調整Windows對象的大小(“開始”菜單,圖標,對話框等)。
* Ericom Connect包含Ericom Blaze遠程桌面RDP加速:
-使Ericom Connect遠程桌面連接非常快速
-增強了地圖,照片,流視頻,放射圖像,3D圖像,Adobe Flash和PDF的顯示性能。