F-Sim Space Shuttle


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to land the Space Shuttle? Now you can find out. F-Sim Space Shuttle is a critically acclaimed flight simulator for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It simulates the Space Shuttle approach and landing in incredible detail and accuracy. We’ve tried to combine realistic flight dynamics with stunning graphics and fun game play: Each landing attempt takes just a few minutes. Our landing analysis and scoring system tells you exactly how to improve your next landing. It will make you come back and try again.

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Each flight starts at either 10,000 feet, already aligned with the runway, or at up to 50,000 feet, before banking into the heading alignment cone. During descent, the Orbiter is an unpowered glider, so you will only have one chance to get it right. Astronauts used to call it a flying brick: because of its 200,000 lbs. gross weight and low lift over drag ratio, the approach is six times steeper and two times faster than a typical airliner approach. Landing the Orbiter takes practice, but the built-in autopilot demo and tutorials will get you started. After your first safe touchdown, chase that perfect landing, compare your high scores online with your friends, earn medals, and unlock achievements. Experiment with different weather conditions, night approaches, and even emergency scenarios or system failures. At the end of each flight, watch a replay from different camera angles.

You control the Orbiter’s pitch and roll axes by tilting your device. Alternatively, you may switch to on-screen analog sticks. Rudder, speed brake, gear, and chute are usually handled by the autopilot, but you can have full manual control if you like. For beginners, we’ve added rectangles that visualize the desired approach path. Simply try to stay within the corridor of rectangles, and they’ll guide you right to the touchdown point. Advanced pilots can turn them off and rely on the instruments in the head-up display (HUD) instead. The simulated guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems are authentic replications of their counterparts in the real Orbiter, and the HUD features all the instruments real Space Shuttle commanders used to employ to skillfully land this unique aircraft. Now it’s your turn to give it a try.

Here’s what others have said about it:

“Because this app is so visually exciting, so technically deep, so sophisticated, so beautifully done in its realism, effects, and documentation, it earned a perfect 5/5 rating, Outstanding.”
John Martellaro, Senior Editor for Reviews, The Mac Observer

“I was excited to see that I can enjoy flying the space shuttle realistically also on my iPhone and complement my addiction to our Space Shuttle Mission Simulator on PC when I am on the road.”
Alex L., www.space-shuttle-mission.com

“Absolutely awesome app that is a must for shuttle huggers and aspiring astronauts.”
Chris Bergin, Managing Editor, NASASpaceflight.com

F-Sim Space Shuttle takes full advantage of modern iOS devices, but also runs smoothly on older hardware. We’ve tested it on all iOS devices, and iOS versions 3 to 7.

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F-Sim Space Shuttle 是一款廣受好評的飛行模擬器,適用於 Android 智能手機和平板電腦。它以令人難以置信的細節和準確性模擬了航天飛機的進近和著陸。我們試圖將逼真的飛行動態與令人驚嘆的圖形和有趣的遊戲相結合:每次著陸嘗試只需幾分鐘。我們的著陸分析和評分系統會準確地告訴您如何改進您的下一次著陸。它會讓你回來再試一次。

每次飛行都從 10,000 英尺開始,已經與跑道對齊,或者從 50,000 英尺開始,然後進入航向對齊錐。在下降過程中,Orbiter 是一種無動力滑翔機,因此您只有一次機會讓它正確。宇航員過去稱它為飛磚:因為它重達 200,000 磅。總重量和升阻比低,這種方法比典型的客機方法陡峭六倍,快兩倍。著陸軌道飛行器需要練習,但內置的自動駕駛儀演示和教程將幫助您入門。在您第一次安全著陸後,追逐完美著陸,與您的朋友在線比較您的高分,贏得獎牌並解鎖成就。嘗試不同的天氣條件、夜間方法,甚至緊急情況或系統故障。在每次飛行結束時,從不同的攝像機角度觀看重播。

您可以通過傾斜設備來控制 Orbiter 的俯仰軸和橫滾軸。或者,您可以切換到屏幕模擬搖桿。方向舵、減速板、齒輪和滑槽通常由自動駕駛儀處理,但如果您願意,也可以完全手動控制。對於初學者,我們添加了可視化所需進場路徑的矩形。只需嘗試留在矩形走廊內,它們就會引導您直接到達著陸點。高級飛行員可以將其關閉,而是依靠平視顯示器 (HUD) 中的儀表。模擬制導、導航和控制 (GNC) 系統是真實軌道飛行器中對應系統的真實複製品,HUD 配備了真實航天飛機指揮官用來巧妙地使這架獨特飛機著陸的所有儀器。現在輪到你試一試了。


“因為這個應用程序在視覺上如此令人興奮,技術上如此深入,如此復雜,在真實感、效果和文檔方面做得如此精美,它獲得了 5/5 的完美評級,傑出。”
John Martellaro,The Mac Observer 評論高級編輯

“我很高興看到我也可以在 iPhone 上真實地享受航天飛機飛行的樂趣,並在我在路上時補充我對 PC 上的航天飛機任務模擬器的依賴。”
Alex L., www.space-shuttle-mission.com

克里斯·伯金,NASASpaceflight.com 執行編輯

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