File Converter



File Converter will convert from and to almost every file format!

The File Converter can convert files to Archives, Audio, Documents, Ebooks, Images or Videos! And after the conversion you can use multiple ways of sharing them!

★ ★ Most features compared to other converter apps! ★ ★

The converting will be accomplished by uploading your file to the secure cloud where it will be converted. Afterwards it will be downloaded back to the file converter app. While the file is being uploaded, processed and downloaded you can continue using your phone as normal. So you will SAVE BATTERY and the conversion is completed FASTER!

★ ★ Your files are handled securely! ★ ★

The File Converter can convert from almost all formats to the following:

Videos converter: convert to 3G2, 3GP, AVI, FLV, Matroska MKV, Quicktime MOV, MP4, MPEG-2 , OGG, WebM VP8, WMV, For BlackBerry, For iPad, For iPhone, For iPod, For Nintendo DS DPG, For Playstation 3 PS3, For PSP, For Nintendo WII, For XBOX 360

Documents converter: convert to Word (doc and docx), Flash, HTML, Open-Office, PDF, Text

Audio converter: convert to AAC, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG, OPUS, WAV, WMA

Ebooks converter: Convert to AZW 3, ePub, FB2, LIT, LRF, MOBI, PDB, PDF, TCR

Images converter: Convert to BMP, EPS, GIF, EXR, ICO, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TGA, TIFF, WBMP, WEBP

Archives: Convert to 7Z, TAR BZ2, TAR GZ, ZIP

Extra features for file types:

For video conversion: depending on the selected format you can change the size (width and height), quality, video bitrate, audio quality, frame rate, rotate, flip (mirror), or trim to a specific part of the video

For audio conversion: depending on the file type you want to convert to you can change: bitrate, frequency, channels (mono, stereo), normalize or trim to a specific part of the audio

For ebook conversion: depending on the selected format you can change the Ebook title, Author, Add a border, Select the encoding, enable ASCII ouput or select the ebook type: Kindle, Kindle DX, Apple iPad, Sony, Sony 300, Sony 900, Sony Landscape, MS Reader, Mobipocket, Hanlin V3, Hanlin V5, Cybook 3, Cybook Opus, iLiad, IrexDR1000, IrexDR800, jetBook, Kobo, Nook, Nook color, Bambook, Tablet

For images conversion: depending on the selected format you can change the quality, size (width and height), apply filters and/or color effects, dots per inch (DPI)

For documents conversion: convert Word 2007, docx, xlsx, pptx, new formats are supported! You can, for example, convert these to PDF.

Other features from the file converter:

- View your converted files using the in-app file browser! Open, rename, email, etc!
- Over 100 source formats are supported!
- Use the 'Open with' option to load files
- Use the image gallery to load an image / video or take one using the camera
- Send the created file by email
- Share converted files through the built-in webserver
- Upload converted file to a WebDAV server, Dropbox, FTP server or HTTP Post
- Start a web server, FTP server or WebDAV server so you can access all converted files
- Open the converted file (if a viewer is installed on your device, the app itself won't view the converted files).
- A progress log shows the upload and download status
- Use File Sharing from iTunes to transfer converted files to your computer


- We can't convert the following: password protected files (secured pdf, etc), DRM protected files (bought ebooks) and files bigger than 100mb!
- Your files get uploaded SECURELY and will be DELETED immediately after the conversion is done or failed. We don't keep any copies or logs!

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使用我們的文件轉換應用程序轉換來自 2000 多個源格式的音頻、電子書、視頻、3D 模型、文檔、演示文稿、CAD 繪圖、圖像、LaTeX、字體、電子表格、Gerber PCB 甚至元數據! 👀



• 對於電子書,我們支持 Amazon Kindle (AZW)、Open eBook (ePub)、DOCX、Fictionbook (FB2)、Sony Portable reader (LRF)、Mobipocket (MOBI)、Palm Desktop (PDB)、Psion (TCR) 當然還有 HTML、TXT、PDF 和 LIT。此外,我們還支持 DJVU、OEB、PML、RB、RTF 和 SNB

• 視頻 支持 MPEG-4 (MP4)、WebM VP8 格式、Windows Media Video (WMV)、Matroska Video (MKV) 和 AVI、FLV、OGV、MOV、3DS 和 3GP 格式

• 圖像 可以轉換為著名的 PNG、JPG、位圖 (BMP) 和 GIF 或較新的 WebP 和 EXR。還有矢量圖形,如 SVG、EPS、Tiff、ICO、TGA 和 WBMP

• 音頻轉換支持著名的 MP3、Wave (WAV)、Lossless Flac 和鮮為人知的 OGG、AAC、WMA、OPUS、AIFF、MMF 和 M4A

• 將文檔轉換為 Microsoft Word(DOC 和 DOCX)、Open-Office ODT、PowerPoint 演示文稿(PPT 和 PPTX),當然還有 Flash (SWF)、HTML、PDF、RTF 和文本

• 將演示文稿轉換為 ODP、PDF、PPSX、PowerPoint PPT、PPTX、SWF 和 UOP

• 標記轉換器支持 TEX、Markdown (MD)、reStructuredText (TEXT)、Textile、AsciiDoc、Word Docx、電子書 ePub,當然還有 HTML、INFO、PDF、TEXI、WIKI、PPTX 和RTF

• 轉換 3D 模型到 STL、Collada DAE、FBX、Iges IGS、Step STP、VRML WRL / X3D 和 StepZ STPZ。還支持 3DS、BRP、CTM、OBJ 和圖像

• 壓縮您的文件到 7Z zip、Unix TAR BZ2 或 TAR GZ,自動解壓縮 EXE、RUN、ZIP 等

• 電子表格轉換器,適用於 CSV、ODS、OTS、PDF、UOS、XLS 和 Excel XLSX

• 工程 CAD 繪圖到 DWG、DXF、SVG 和 PDF 或圖像


• 可以為 Apache Htpasswd 或 DES、MD5、RIPE、SHA、Adler 等生成 hash

• LaTeX / ConTeXt 轉換器支持 PDF、TEX 和 DOCX


• 將 Gerber PCB 文件轉換為 CNC、GBR、ISEL 或 PDF

• 字幕 可以轉換為 LRC、SCC、SRT、SUB,當然還有 USF

• 最後但並非最不重要的是,您可以提取元數據 和 EXIF 信息或刪除元數據!

我們還有調色板、紋理、網格、刺繡、統計、 播放列表、網絡和樂譜轉換器!那麼這一切可以做什麼呢?

• 提取音樂🎵
• 視頻到動畫 GIF 🎬
• 文字轉音頻:聽電子書/有聲讀物(文字轉語音,tts)🎧
• 光柵圖像到矢量 📷
• PDF 轉 Word 📖
• 轉換 RAW 文件📷
• 從圖像中提取文本 (OCR) 📄
• 創建鈴聲和剪切音頻🎧
• 針對移動設備進行優化📱
• 密碼保護 PDF 🔒
• ..更多👌


• 視頻轉換:編解碼、旋轉、修剪、穩定等。
• 音頻轉換:比特率、頻率等。
• 電子書轉換:書名、電子書閱讀器:Kindle、Sony、Apple iPad、Kobo、Nook、平板電腦等
• CAD 繪圖:顏色、比例、適合度等。
• 圖像轉換:質量、大小等。
• 文件轉換:OCR(文本識別)等。
• 電子表格轉換:OCR 等。

• 從 URL/網站轉換
• 在類別之間轉換
• 穩定、安全且快速的轉換

• 我們無法轉換受保護的 PDF/ZIP 和 DRM 文件。

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