Foreca Weather has a completely new look! Our principle was to create the simplest, fastest and most convenient weather app for frequent use globally. Give it a try and tell the world if you think that we nailed it!
The most used weather information can be seen instantly, or with only one swipe or tap:
- Current conditions calculated in real-time for your exact coordinates
- Ultra-fast and convenient rain radar on the map!
- Recent measurements from the closest weather stations
- Weather today and tomorrow as hourly steps
- The clever daily range scale for HI/LOW temperature trends
- Up to 10-day forecast as 3-hour steps
- 10-day meteogram in detail
- Weather in your favourite places at a glance
- Optional dark theme available!
Foreca provides accurate weather forecasts for any located coordinates or any search you make from millions of named locations worldwide.
- Current conditions in the opening view are provided for your previous selected location. Select your current location from the compass-arrow icon.
- View the latest measurements from the closest weather stations by swiping over the current conditions.
- Find 10-day forecasts by dragging the opening view up. The clever daily range scale shows the trend of the lowest and highest temperatures at a glance.
- Tap any day to get into the hourly view. Slide the hourly view to view more time steps.
- On the map view, rain movements are directly animated on the timeline by sliding up and down over the map without having to wait or download anything – it is ultra-fast and convenient! Tap the layer icon to change between the radar and a 3-day precipitation forecast. The radar is provided only in selected areas where Foreca acquires the data, like the European and North American areas.
- Meteogram view shows the trend in weather at a glance. The showers (light blue bars) and continuous rain (blue bars) are separated in the 3-hourly forecasts.
- The place search icon opens the list of your favourite places. Search for a place by name and tap the star icon to add the place into your favourites. Collect your favourites such as home, workplace, and holiday resort, and see their current weather at a glance. The favourites, as well as the list of recent searches, can be used as shortcuts.
- Refresh the forecast by dragging the opening view down. When location services are used, current conditions and forecasts will be calculated on demand for your coordinates.
- Choose your preferred units from the settings.
- Foreca acquires weather observations and other data from multiple sources worldwide and uses thousands of hours developing machine learning techniques to provide forecasts as accurate as possible globally. The ads displayed in the app enable free use of the app for you.
- Send us feedback by email from the settings view!
選擇 FORECA 的 5 大理由:
1) 預報準確性:Foreca 被評為全球降雨預報中最準確的天氣提供商。在一般天氣預報方面,Foreca 長期以來一直是最準確的,尤其是在歐洲,並且在全球範圍內也名列前茅。*
2) 多種功能:與其他天氣應用不同,Foreca 免費提供所有高級功能。
3) 可自定義的視圖:從眾多可用的天氣參數中選擇您想在應用程序中看到的天氣信息。例如,您還可以隱藏不需要的信息,因為某些參數可能與您無關,或者僅在冬季或夏季有用。
5) 服務質量:我們會親自回應我們收到的所有反饋和支持請求,因為我們希望根據您的意願不斷開發應用程序。
高級功能 - 全部免費提供!
– 極其準確和方便的雷達,帶有未來幾個小時的雷達預報**
– 政府天氣警告**
– 下雨通知**
- 正在進行的當前天氣通知**
– 將溫度設置到狀態欄**
- 當前條件計算到您的確切位置
– 最近的官方氣象站的測量結果
- 天氣觀測歷史 - 你的時間機器到過去的幾個小時、幾天和幾年
– 有陣雨和連續降雨的氣象圖
- 可編輯的主屏幕小部件
- 深色主題和淺色主題
- 主題顏色選項
- 可選的天氣符號集
– 過去的當天預測
– 美國附近活躍的颶風
– 溫度和天氣符號(°C、°F)
- 感覺像
- 沉澱的機會 (%)
– 每小時雨量、混合雨量和降雪量 (mm, in)
– 總降雨量(24 小時水值:mm,in)
– 總降雪量(24 小時雪值:厘米,英寸)
- 風向(箭頭、圖標或基本方向)
– 10 分鐘平均風速 (m/s, km/h, mph, Bft, kn)
– 陣風中的最大風速
- 相對濕度 (%)
– 大氣壓力(hPa、inHg、mmHg、mbar)
– 露點 (°C, °F)
– 雷聲變化 (%)
– 紫外線指數
– 空氣質量指數,AQI
– 每日日照時數 (hh:mm)
– 日長
– 日出時間
– 日落時間
– 月出時間
– 月落時間
- 月相
- 降雨雷達和未來幾個小時的準確雷達預報**
- 以每小時為單位的 24 小時降雨預報圖
– 3 天天氣圖,包含大氣壓(等壓線)和降雨
- 以每小時為單位的衛星圖像地圖
- 以小時為單位的雲量預測圖
- 位置搜索 - 全球所有位置名稱
– 一次定位,連續跟踪
- 您最喜歡的位置的天氣
- 選擇您的起始頁(應用程序中的選項卡)
- 調整地圖動畫的速度
- 與您的朋友分享天氣
– 信息/用戶指南
- 反饋渠道和應用程序支持
– 時間格式(12 小時/24 小時)
– 支持 15 種語言
*) 基於第 3 方報告,根據全球官方氣象站的真實觀測結果不斷驗證預測。
**) 特定國家/地區的限制