FortiToken Mobile


FortiToken Mobile is an OATH compliant, event-based and time-based One Time Password (OTP) generator application for the mobile device. It is the client component of Fortinet’s highly secure, simple to use and administer, and extremely cost effective solution for meeting your strong authentication needs. You will need to use FortiOS or FortiAuthenticator as the back-end validation server.

Requires iOS 9 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Privacy and Control:
FortiToken Mobile cannot change settings on your phone, take pictures or video, record or transmit audio, nor can it read or send emails. Further, it cannot see your browser history, and it requires your permission to send you notifications or to change any settings. And, FortiToken Mobile cannot remotely wipe your phone. Any visibility FortiToken Mobile requires is to verify your OS version to determine app version compatibility. While FortiToken Mobile cannot change any settings without your permission, the following permissions are relevant to FortiToken Mobile operations:
• Access to camera for scanning QR codes for easy token activation
• TouchID/FaceID: used for app security, respectively.
• Access to the Internet for communication to activate tokens and receive push notifications
• "Send Feedback by Email", to automatically populate the "Sender" field
• Internally share files between applications to prepare an attachment to be sent by email for "Send Feedback by Email"
• FortiToken must keep the phone awake while it is upgrading the internal database to avoid data corruption.

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FortiToken Mobile是一個OATH標準的,基於時間的口令生成器。
FortiToken Mobile (FTM) 是一種適用於移動設備的 OATH 兼容、基於事件和基於時間的一次性密碼 (OTP) 生成器應用程序。它是 Fortinet 高度安全、易於使用和管理且極具成本效益的解決方案的客戶端組件,可滿足您的強身份驗證需求。您可以使用 FortiOS、FortiAuthenticator 或 FortiToken Cloud(2FA 即服務)作為 FTM 令牌的後端驗證服務器來部署 FTM 令牌。可以使用批准或拒絕登錄嘗試的推送通知。 FTM 還支持大多數流行網站的第三方令牌。


FortiToken Mobile 無法更改手機設置、拍照或錄像、錄製或傳輸音頻,也無法閱讀或發送電子郵件。此外,它無法查看您的瀏覽器歷史記錄,並且需要您的許可才能向您發送通知或更改任何設置。而且,FortiToken Mobile 無法遠程擦除您的手機。 FortiToken Mobile 需要的任何可見性都是驗證您的操作系統版本以確定應用程序版本兼容性。在手動安裝 FortiToken 代幣、第 3 方代幣和代幣轉移期間可能會輸入敏感信息,例如電子郵件地址或代幣種子。

雖然未經您的許可 FortiToken Mobile 無法更改任何設置,但以下權限與 FortiToken Mobile 操作相關:
• 使用相機掃描二維碼,輕鬆激活令牌
• TouchID/FaceID:分別用於應用安全。
• 訪問互聯網進行通信以激活令牌和接收推送通知
• 在應用程序之間內部共享文件以準備要通過電子郵件發送的附件以用於“通過電子郵件發送反饋”
• FortiToken 在升級內部數據庫時必須保持手機處於喚醒狀態,以避免數據損壞。

通過下載和安裝 FortiToken Mobile,您同意上述所有條款。

支持的操作系統:Android 5.0 到 Android 11。

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