The sequel to one of the best music game of 2012 by Best Apps Ever Awards: Frederic – Resurrection of Music.
Defeat famous opponents in musical duels. Immense yourself in fantastic story of Frederic's endeavors. Catch all the Easter Eggs and subtle parodies hidden in the background. Practice your skills until perfection and become the Master of the Piano.
The world of music is once again threatened. The art of soulful music, the kind that touches your heart, is in grave danger of disappearance. The evil forces that you fought so bravely are back! And they are even more powerful and desperate. Once again you'll need to step into Frederic Chopin's shoes and face opponents that have only one agenda - to enslave the musical world, mass produce soulless artists with their same-sounding radio hits, and reap enormous profits, hindering any creativity in the process.
- 10 challenging musical duels with some of the most renown pop stars
- 10 fantastic, catchy tracks, inspired by Frederic Chopin's composition and different music genres.
- Quirky story with tons of parody and twists
- Extremely easy to get to, but hard to master gameplay
- Hand-painted animated comic
- Game center achievements and leaderboards
在音乐决斗中击败著名对手. 在弗雷德里克的奇妙奋斗故事中强大你自己. 获取所有复活节彩蛋(不是字面上的复活节彩蛋,而是那些隐藏的小恶作剧,小笑话和引用)和隐藏在背景中的微妙的拙劣模仿. 练习你的技能直到完美, 并且成为钢琴大师.
音乐世界再次受到威胁.那种触动你心灵的深情音乐的艺术,正面临消失的危险.你曾经英勇战斗过的邪恶力量又回来了! 并且他们现在更加强大和不顾一切。你需要再次踏上弗雷德里克·肖邦的脚步,面对对手,你只有一件事情-征服音乐世界,批量生产那些带着相同发音的无线电打击的没有灵魂的音乐家们,获得巨大的利润,阻碍这个过程中的任何创造力。
- 10场与最著名的流行歌星的富有挑战性的音乐决斗
- 10首美妙,朗朗上口的歌曲,灵感来自于弗雷德里克·肖邦的音乐作品和不同的音乐类型
- 无数恶搞和曲折离奇的故事
- 非常容易上手,但是很难掌握游戏玩法
- 手绘的动画漫画