

GV-Selector is a free product comparison tool that allows you to access the GV-IP Camera database and you can select up to 3 IP cameras for specification comparison by specifying camera type and featured functions using iOS version 6.1 or later.

For questions or suggestions, please visit GeoVision’s website at http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/4_0.asp or contact GeoVision Support at support@geovision.com.tw for updates and solutions!

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GV-Selector is a free product comparison tool that allows you to access the GV-IP Camera database and you can select up to 3 IP cameras for specification comparison by specifying camera type and featured functions using Android version 4.0 or later.
For questions or suggestions, please visit GeoVision’s website at http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/4_0.asp or contact GeoVision Support at support@geovision.com.tw for updates and solutions!
GV-選擇器是一個免費的產品比較工具,它允許您訪問的GV-IP攝影機的數據庫,你可以通過指定相機類型選擇最多3個IP攝像機的規格比較,採用了Android 4.0版或更高版本的特色功能。

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