Garmin Pilot


*30 Days Free Trial on initial download!*

Plan. File. Fly. Log.

Garmin Pilot is the most comprehensive suite of tools for the iPad designed specifically for general aviation and corporate pilots. Flight planning, charts, interactive maps, weather briefing resources and navigation capabilities; it’s all included. The app’s intuitive interface mirrors those on the newest Garmin touchscreen avionics so you can go seamlessly from preflight to inflight.


Garmin Pilot’s powerful capabilities start with pre-flight planning, providing pilots with the most comprehensive aviation weather information to make better-informed flight decisions. Pilots can check NEXRAD radar, visible and infrared cloud imagery, METARs, TAFs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, PIREPs, NOTAMs, winds and temperature aloft, TFRs and lightning data. With Garmin Pilot, data can be displayed over Garmin’s interactive maps that support track-up navigation, VFR sectional or an IFR low or high en-route chart to visualize the weather for your route. Add text-based weather widgets and use the exclusive NavTrack feature to view weather along the planned route.


With Garmin Pilot, users can easily enter a flight plan and interactively edit it on the map. Pre-loaded forms make it quick to save and reuse data for frequently flown routes. And when the flight plan is ready, Garmin Pilot makes it simple to file, amend or close the flight plan via Leidos Flight Service or DUATS.


Garmin Pilot provides full en-route navigation capability on its moving map. Pilots can also navigate with Garmin’s patented panel, a GPS-driven instrument pack with a graphical HSI directional display and indicators for groundspeed, altitude and vertical speed. After takeoff, pilots can continue to view real-time weather in the U.S. and traffic information by wirelessly connecting to Garmin’s GDL 39 3D portable ADS-B Receiver (sold separately).


Garmin Pilot includes a comprehensive electronic logbook that syncs with flyGarmin. The logbook automatically generates entries based upon GPS data collected during the flight, tracks currency, supports manual entries, endorsements and creates reports.

Garmin Pilot U.S. Standard:

- Rich, interactive maps support Track-Up navigation
- Charts: VFR Sectionals, low and high IFR en-route, airport diagrams and approach procedures
- Ability to view Jeppesen Terminal Charts (Jeppesen echart subscription required)
- Weather Maps: Animated radar, Infrared and Visible Satellite, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, Lightning, TFRs and more!
- Extensive text products: METARs, TAFs, Winds Aloft, PIREPs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, Area Forecasts and NOTAMs
- AOPA Airport Directory
- Weight and Balance
- Checklists
- Flight plan filing via Leidos Flight Services and DUATS
- Garmin patented navigation panel
- Terrain and Obstacles
- Smart Airspace
- Fast Find predictive Waypoint Entry
- Logbook
- Optional VFR Premium: Synthetic Vision (SVX), Terrain and obstacle alerting, and Garmin SafeTaxi®
- Optional IFR Premium: VFR Premium plus geo-referenced Garmin FliteCharts®

Garmin Pilot Global Premium:

- Worldwide Jeppesen NavData
- Rich, interactive maps support Track-Up navigation
- Radar and Satellite imagery for Western Europe, U.S., Canada and Australia
- Ability to view Jeppesen Terminal Charts (Jeppesen echart subscription required)
- Worldwide METARs, TAFs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, NOTAMs and winds aloft
- VFR Flight Plan Filing
- Terrain and Obstacles with alerting
- Synthetic Vision (SVX)
- Visual Reporting Points (VRPs) in Europe
- Smart Airspace
- Fast Find Predictive Waypoint Entry
- Logbook
- Optional VFR charts from DFS, IGN and NATS
- IFR enroute charts from EuroControl
- Optional Garmin FliteCharts® and SafeTaxi® diagrams available on a country-by-country basis

*Note: Use of GPS running in the background may decrease battery life.*

*Note: One subscription to Garmin Pilot may be used on two devices.*

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與Garmin試點,用戶可以輕鬆輸入飛行計劃。預加載的形式使用戶能夠快速存儲和重新使用頻繁飛行航線數據。當飛行計劃已準備就緒,Garmin公司試點簡化了文件,取消或關閉通過洛克希德·馬丁公司或CSC DUATS飛行計劃。





- 圖表:VFR組合沙發,低和高IFR航路,機場圖和進近程序
- 可選的地理參考Garmin的FliteCharts®和GarminSafeTaxi®顯示在圖表的方式滑行道和飛機位置
- 天氣圖:動畫雷達,AIRMETs /重要氣象情報,閃電,PIREPS,METARs / TAFS,高空風,總和生育率,紅外線和可見光衛星
- 廣泛的文字產品:METARs,TAFS,高空風,PIREPS,AIRMETs,重要氣象情報,區域預報和航行通告
- 與您的航線動態天氣疊加顯示在地圖上
- AOPA機場目錄
- 通過洛克希德·馬丁公司和DUATS飛行計劃備案
- 全面的氣象數據來自國家氣象局和加拿大環境部直接

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