Heria Pro


Heria.pro app creates, customizes, and schedules workouts & programs in the style that renowned calisthenics and fitness athlete, Chris Heria uses to build muscle, lose fat, and develop technique. Heria.Pro creates workouts catered specifically to you and your fitness needs, utilizing an algorithm that learns your preferences and workout style. Each workout is fully customizable by you and can be saved/scheduled to be used anytime with a very easy to follow workout planner. It comes equipped with a robust analytics feature where you can track your fitness goals with details like your top target muscles trained, top exercises, and workouts per day/week/month.

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Heria.pro應用程序創建,定制和日程安排試訓和計劃在著名的健美操和健身運動員,克里斯Heria用來鍛煉肌肉,減少脂肪,並發展技術風格。 Heria.Pro創建特別照顧到你和你的健身需求的鍛煉,利用的是學習你的喜好和風格鍛煉的算法。每次鍛煉是你完全可定制的,並可以保存/計劃用一個很容易隨時用於跟踪鍛煉計劃者。它配備了強大的分析功能,您可以與像訓練有素的頭號目標肌肉,頂部練習,每天/週/月的訓練細節追踪健身目標。

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