Hours is an app for calculating planetary hours according to the traditional astrological rules. The app will calculate planetary hours for:
1) Your current location, defined by GPS.
2) Any of over 42,000 of predefined locations around the world from the database shipped with the app.
3) Any custom location you might want to define, specifying its latitude and longitude.
You can select any date from January 1st, 1900.
Hours also displays an extensive list of attributes for each planet.
In the latest version, planetary strengths were added. Their importance was emphasized by 17th century herbalists, as well as contemporary practitioners.
If you want to learn more about the planetary hours, I've prepared for you a course, Planetary Hours: A Complete Guide (https://astroschool.lunarium.co.uk/p/planetary-hours-a-complete-guide)
新版本具有行星優勢 - 這是17世紀草藥學家認為重要的傳統因素,並且仍然被一些現代從業者認為是至關重要的。要了解更多信息,請考慮加入我的課程行星時間:完整指南(https://astroschool.lunarium.co.uk/p/planetary-hours-a-complete-guide)。