IBM Connections Editor


The IBM Connections Editor is a companion office application for IBM Connections. The IBM Connections Editor is optimized for smartphones and tablets to allow you to create, edit, and read Microsoft® Word, Excel, or Powerpoint documents from IBM Connections Files. You have full editing capabilities on your mobile device, and you can easily share your files in IBM Connections Files to collaborate with others in your organization.

Privacy Statement
This app does NOT collect personal information about you such as name, telephone number, device id, IMEI number and email address. This app only collects non-personal information, such as a page in the app has been visited, or an event like creating a new Word document has happened. The information provides enough anonymity so that it's not possible to pinpoint to any specific person through analyzing it. This information is used to help us improve our app by better understanding which part of our app is being used most, and where our users are having difficulties while using our app. The information is only saved in IBM and only accessible to selected individuals within IBM.

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IBM Connections Editor 是 IBM Connections 的隨附辦公應用程式。IBM Connections Editor 已針對智慧型手機和平板電腦進行最佳化,可讓您從 IBM Connections Files 建立、編輯及閱讀 MicrosoftR Word、Excel 或 Powerpoint 文件以及檢視 PDF。在行動式裝置上您具有完整編輯功能,並且可以在 IBM Connections Files 中輕鬆共用檔案以與組織中的其他人分工合作。

-建立、編輯及共用 Word 文件:
-與 doc、docx 及 txt 格式相容
-在 IBM Connections Files 中附加文件

建立、編輯及共用 Powerpoint 投影片放映簡報:
-與 ppt 和 pptx 格式相容
-在 IBM Connections Files 中附加簡報

建立、編輯及共用 Excel 試算表:
-與 xls 和 xlsx 格式相容
-有 300 多個公式,用於算術、財務、日期/時間、統計、資料庫、查閱及其他運算!
-在 IBM Connections Files 中附加試算表

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