InstaShare facilitates intuitive and instant wireless presentation that supports smooth content transmission. This makes business or education presentation easier and simpler than ever.
InstaShare is the software designed for seamless wireless presentation and collaboration that allows smooth streaming of both audio files and Full HD videos. Users can also mirror and control all digital content across the devices including BenQ IFPs, PCs, tablets, and smartphones, empowering contributors to enrich their sessions with a variety of multimedia resources.
InstaShare是專為無縫無線演示和協作而設計的軟件,可以平滑地傳輸音頻文件和全高清視頻。用戶還可以鏡像和控制設備上的所有數字內容,包括BenQ IFP,PC,平板電腦和智能手機,使貢獻者能夠通過各種多媒體資源豐富他們的會話。