Intrace Visual Traceroute for iOS - universal app, which help trace the process of transferring data from your iPhone and iPad on servers located around the world. You can know what is the route followed by data packets between your device and any Internet server by either entering a website, a domain or its IP directly.
Networking tool Intrace make it easy to identify any route data. This network utility displays information about the servers through which pass your data. Visual traceroute for iOS shows not only way, but also demonstrates the process of passing on the map. In other words, Intrace for iOS shows the addresses of the servers and also shows their location.
All the necessary information for you will be in the following format:
• Server ip
• Host Name
• Ping to address
• Location of the server (its coordinates on the world map).
Visual traceroute uses specific "ping" command, which available on most devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, etc.). Application database help you detect geographical location and all the way packet data transmission.
Network tools like visual tracert are great for network engineers and site administrator. But also visual trace route for iOS will be useful for users who would like to check their traffic.
Intrace include special features:
Ping, Traceroute, Domain Lookup, 3G, 4G, 5G LTE Scanner, Net Scanner, Advanced Network Scanner, IP Address Scanner, Scan Network For IP Addresses, DNS Server, Domain, Reverse Lookup, DNS lookup, IP Lookup, DNS Records, Reverse IP Lookup, Reverse Address, DNS Resolver, Whois, IP Utilities, Network Tools and many more
Intrace - 為您提供強大而快速的可視化跟踪路由
Intrace Visual Traceroute for Android 是一款多功能應用程序,可幫助您跟踪從您的 Android 設備到位於世界各地的服務器上傳輸數據的過程。您可以通過直接輸入網站、域或其 IP 來了解您的設備和任何 Internet 服務器之間的數據包路由。
可視化跟踪路由可以輕鬆識別任何數據路由。此網絡實用程序提供有關傳輸數據的計算機和服務器的信息。 Visual traceroute for Android 不僅顯示了路徑,還演示了地圖上的傳遞過程。換句話說,Intrace for Android 顯示了服務器的地址和它們的位置。
• IP 服務器
• 主機名
• Ping 到服務器
• 服務器的位置(它在世界地圖上的坐標)
Intrace for Android 使用特定的“ping”命令,這些命令通常在大多數設備(智能手機、平板電腦、筆記本電腦、PC 等)上都可用。應用數據庫幫助您識別一路傳輸數據包數據的地理位置。
視覺跟踪器等網絡工具非常適合網絡工程師和站點管理員。但對於想要檢查流量的用戶來說,Android 的視覺跟踪路線也很有用。