Accessing Wi-Fi is not easier. JAL Explore Japan Wi-Fi provides tourists visiting Japan with the simplest solution to access public Wi-Fi hostspots anywhere in Japan.
From arriving airport to Tokyo, Osaka, and anywhere else in Japan – you’ll be able to easily connect your mobile to Wi-Fi. Avoid data roaming, pre-paid sim cards, and pocket Wi-Fi rental; these options quickly rack up costs and often come with slow data restrictions. JAL Explore Japan Wi-Fi, on the other hand, lets you enjoy travelling japan through quick web connections.
JAL Explore Japan Wi-Fi automatically connects you to Wi-Fi hotspots while you travel, and to make travelling Japan that much better, the app comes along with these special features:
-Get automatic recommendations on popular cafes, restaurants, shopping areas near you
-Save your favourite visited places.
-Search for nearby Wi-Fi hotspots and stores with the MAP function.
-Download the Offline MAP so you can still travel easy without internet.
-Accessible to JAL original website and guide to purchase air ticket, check promotion and make itinerary in Japan.
When using the app, make sure you remember these things:
- Cost incurred for 3G, LTE communications is at your expense.
- Wi-Fi services are provided without any encrypting.
- The app uses iOS Maps.
- The app collects device and GPS data to analyse app usage trends in Japan and provide better services. Statistics are provided to alliance corporation without personal information.
- Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
*This service is powered by Wire and Wireless co., Ltd.
訪問免費的Wi-Fi從未如此簡單。 JAL探索日本Wi-Fi為遊客提供了在日本任何地方訪問免費Wi-Fi主機點的最簡單的解決方案。
從到達airoirt到東京,大阪和日本的其他任何地方 - 您將能夠輕鬆地將您的手機連接到免費的Wi-Fi。
- 關於熱門咖啡館,餐館,附近的購物區的自動推薦。
- 保存您最喜歡的訪問地點。
- 使用MAP功能搜索附近的Wi-Fi熱點和商店。
- 下載離線地圖,讓您仍然可以輕鬆上網,無需互聯網。
- 3G費用,LTE通信費用。
- 提供WiFi服務,無需任何加密。
- 應用程序收集設備和GPS數據,分析日本的應用程序使用趨勢,並提供更好的服務。統計數據提供給聯盟公司,無需個人信息。
- 繼續使用在後台運行的GPS可以顯著降低電池壽命。