LG SmartThinQ


The LG SmartThinQ application connects LG smart home appliances (refrigerator, washer, dryer, oven, robot vacuum, styler, etc.) and TV together to offer you a “Better life with IoT.” Features such as home monitoring, Smart Diagnosis, remote control, energy saving, and recipes provide a safer, greener, fresher, and more entertaining home environment.

The LG SmartThinQ app is compatible with iOS 10.0 and above.

Stop wasting time doing household chores and enjoy more family time with LG SmartThinQ.


- Location: Needed to display current location and weather information.
- Push notifications: Needed to receive product status notifications.
- Camera: Needed to scan QR codes.
- Mic: Needed when using Smart Diagnosis™.
- Photos/Media/Files: Needed to access and save pictures from certain products

* Agreeing to these permissions is not mandatory to use the application.

※ After updating, if the app does not function correctly, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it on your phone.

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The LG SmartThinQ application connects LG smart home appliances (refrigerator, kimchi refrigerator, washer, dryer, oven, robot vacuum, styler, AC, air purifier, etc.) and TV together to offer you a “Better life with IoT.” Features such as home monitoring, Smart Diagnosis, remote control, energy saving, and recipes provide a safer, greener, fresher, and more entertaining home environment.

The LG SmartThinQ app is compatible with Android OS 4.4 (Kitkat) and above, and it is optimized for LG G series smart phones. The app may display differently on other smartphones.
Stop wasting time doing household chores and enjoy more family time with SmartThinQ.


- Photos, media and files: Needed to check available memory for downloading modules specific to your registered products and to transfer or save pictures for certain products.
- Phone and call settings: Needed to automatically identify your preferred country and language settings and to connect to a customer center following Smart Diagnosis.
- Location : Needed to obtain Wi-Fi router information when registering the product.

• Optional
- Contact information: Needed to access your other LG apps, such as LG Smart World TV and LG Health, without signing in first.
- Camera : Needed to provide QR code recognition capability.
- Mic : Needed to provide Smart Diagnosis

* Agreeing to these permissions is not mandatory to use the application.

※ If you have trouble logging in, please update the Android webview system.
※ After updating, if the app does not function correctly, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it on your phone.

Keyword: LG, LG electronics, smart, smart appliances, smartThinQ, smart thinQ, smart home, smarthome, washer, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, TV
LG SmartThinQ應用程序將LG智能家電(冰箱,泡菜冰箱,洗衣機,烘乾機,烤箱,機器人吸塵器,造型器,AC,空氣淨化器等)和電視連接在一起,為您提供“物聯網更好的生活”。作為家庭監控,智能診斷,遠程控制,節能和食譜提供更安全,更環保,更新鮮,更有娛樂的家庭環境。

LG SmartThinQ應用程序與Android OS 4.4(Kitkat)及更高版本兼容,並針對LG G系列智能手機進行了優化。該應用可能會在其他智能手機上顯示不同。


- 照片,媒體和文件:需要檢查可用內存以下載特定於您註冊產品的模塊,以及傳輸或保存某些產品的圖片。
- 電話和呼叫設置:需要自動識別您的首選國家/地區和語言設置,並在智能診斷後連接到客戶中心。
- 位置:註冊產品時需要獲取Wi-Fi路由器信息。

• 可選的
- 聯繫信息:無需先登錄即可訪問其他LG應用程序,如LG Smart World TV和LG Health。
- 攝像頭:需要提供QR碼識別功能。
- 麥克風:需要提供智能診斷


※如果您無法登錄,請更新Android webview系統。


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