LibriVox Audio Books


LibriVox Audio Books provides unlimited access to over 50,000 audio books. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use. The LibriVox Audio Books app features classic best sellers and out of print treasures from every genre of literature in more than 30 languages.

Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated work of hundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute the books. New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spans the breadth of world literature, including novels, history, biography, short stories, poetry and more in both fiction and non-fiction.

The LibriVox AudioBook app makes it easy to search the LibriVox catalog of free audio books. You can browse by title, author or genre, look at new recordings, or search by key word. Because the books are free, you can listen to as much or as little of a book as you like with no cost. The app remembers your position, so you can return to a book later, and includes unlimited bookmarks and a sleep timer for your convenience.

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無限制訪問 45,000 本有聲讀物
LibriVox Audio Books 提供對超過 45,000 種免費有聲讀物的無限制訪問。每本 LibriVox 有聲讀物都可以通過互聯網流式傳輸或下載以供以後使用,無需任何費用。 LibriVox Audio Books 應用程序包括新錄音列表,包括經典暢銷書和絕版珍品。

LibriVox 有聲書應用程序可讓您輕鬆找到您想要的書。您可以查看最受歡迎的書籍,按標題、作者或流派瀏覽,查看新錄音或按關鍵字搜索。您甚至可以找到最喜歡的敘述者閱讀的書籍。此應用程序允許您使用睡眠定時器停止播放,並且每本書都可以使用無限的書籤。您可以保存和收聽任意數量的書籍。完全免費訪問 LibriVox 收藏、數以千計的舊時代廣播劇和許多其他收藏。

LibriVox Audio Books 全面支持藍牙控件以及 Android Auto 和 Google Cast,讓您可以輕鬆隨身攜帶書籍。收藏夾、最近的書籍和下載的書籍列表讓您可以輕鬆地從上次中斷的地方繼續閱讀。

LibriVox 的有聲讀物是免費的,這要歸功於數百名記錄、編輯和分發書籍的志願者的辛勤工作。每天都會發布新版本,整個目錄涵蓋世界文學的廣度,包括小說、歷史、傳記、短篇小說、詩歌等小說和非小說類內容。美國用戶可以額外購買 75,000 種專業有聲讀物,包括新版本和暢銷書。

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