You know the drill: meeting starts in 15 minutes, movie in 10. You're running late for a date or there's a flight you need to catch. And this is where we come in.
Requesting your ride is easy:
Open the app and tell us where you want to go.
Choose how you want to pay - either with cash or credit card.
You'll be offered rides from several professional drivers nearby - choose among them based on rating, price, arrival time and car model.
Follow your driver in the app.
Your taxi will pick you up in no time!
Liftago is currently available in 9 cities across the Czech Republic and Slovakia:
Prague, Bratislava, Brno, České Budějovice, Ostrava, Olomouc, Pilsen, Ústí nad Labem, Zlín and Liberec.
Some useful tips for a positive experience:
Don't forget to enter your destination address for better price estimates
Pet or big luggage? No problem! Simply choose one of the “Special Requests” button prior to your ride
Don't forget to rate your driver once your ride is finished. User ratings help us to provide better service and therefore happier customers!
Something went wrong? Did you leave your phone, wallet or even your dog called Fluffles behind? Contact us at so we can solve it asap!
Liftago for companies
For your clients, colleagues, meetings, or that annual Christmas party
Register into our program for businesses at
Have your expenses under control
Order multiple cars at once - even one week in advance
All business program users will have the option to switch between their personal and business profile
Your receptionists will love our desktop app - order rides for 3rd persons easily!
You know the drill: meeting starts in 15 minutes, movie in 10. You're running late for a date or there's a flight you need to catch. And this is where we come in.
Requesting your ride is easy:
Open the app and tell us where you want to go.
Choose how you want to pay - either with cash or credit card.
You'll be offered rides from several professional drivers nearby - choose among them based on rating, price, arrival time and car model.
Follow your driver in the app.
Your taxi will pick you up in no time!
Liftago is currently available in 9 cities across the Czech Republic and Slovakia:
Prague, Bratislava, Brno, České Budějovice, Ostrava, Olomouc, Pilsen, Ústí nad Labem, Zlín and Liberec.
Some useful tips for a positive experience:
Don't forget to enter your destination address for better price estimates
Pet or big luggage? No problem! Simply choose one of the “Special Requests” button prior to your ride
Don't forget to rate your driver once your ride is finished. User ratings help us to provide better service and therefore happier customers!
Something went wrong? Did you leave your phone, wallet or even your dog called Fluffles behind? Contact us at so we can solve it asap!
Need to deliver something? Work documents, surprise present for your wife or those keys you forgot at home? We'll help you with that as well! Again – choose “Delivery” option under the Special Requests button!
Liftago for companies
For your clients, colleagues, meetings, or that annual Christmas party
Register into our program for businesses at
Have your expenses under control
Order multiple cars at once - even one week in advance
All business program users will have the option to switch between their personal and business profile
Your receptionists will love our desktop app - order rides for 3rd persons easily!
選擇您想要的方式 - 使用現金或信用卡。
您將獲得附近幾位專業司機的遊樂設施 - 根據評級,價格,抵達時間和車型選擇。
需要交付什麼?工作文件,您妻子的驚喜或您在家忘記的鑰匙?我們也會幫助你!再次 - 在特殊要求按鈕下選擇“交付”選項!
一次訂購多輛車 - 甚至提前一周
您的接待員會喜歡我們的桌面應用程序 - 輕鬆為第3人訂購!