Home networking just got easier. When connected to your home Wi-Fi, use the Linksys Connect mobile app to add devices to your network, manage guest access, and change Wi-Fi and router information. Now Linksys E-Series, X-Series and Valet router users can have their real-time network information at their fingertips from anywhere in the home.
Key Features:
Guest access – An easy way for visitors to get online. Give password-protected Internet access to visiting friends and family while keeping your own information private. No need to remember the guest password, it’s in the app. Simply email the password to your guest and they’ll be online in no time.
Add devices to your network – Quickly connect your computers, gaming consoles, tablets, and other Wi-Fi enabled devices to your network.
Access Wi-Fi settings – Access your network name and password at anytime from anywhere in your home. If you need your password to add a device manually, quickly access it via your app.
Access router features – Keep your router up-to-date. Check for firmware updates and view details about your router, including model name and number, serial number, firmware version, and more. Plus, easily get a new WAN IP address or reboot your router.
Disclaimer: An active, customer purchased Internet Service Provider broadband account is required for connection of your router and other connected computers and devices to the Internet.
System Requirements:
• This product will only work with a Linksys E-Series, X-Series or Valet home router. To view the full list of supported routers, click here: http://www.linksyssmartwifi.com/ustatic/mobile/supportedRouters.html
• Requires an active Wi-Fi connection to your Linksys E-Series, X-Series or Valet home router.
• Apple iOS 4.3 and greater
訪客接入 - 一個簡單的方法,供遊人上網。提供密碼保護上網來訪的朋友和家人,同時保持自己的私人信息。無需記住客人的密碼,它在應用程序。簡單密碼通過電子郵件發送給你的客戶,他們會在網上沒有時間。
將設備添加到您的網絡 - 快速連接電腦,遊戲機,平板電腦和其它Wi-Fi功能的設備連接到網絡。
接入無線網絡連接設置 - 接入您的網絡名稱和密碼隨時隨地在您的家。如果您需要您的密碼手動添加設備,迅速通過您的應用程序訪問它。
接入路由器的功能 - 讓您的路由器了最新的。檢查固件更新和查看細節關於你的路由器,包括型號名稱和編號,序列號,固件版本等。另外,很容易得到一個新的廣域網IP地址或重新啟動路由器。
•本產品只能與一台Linksys E系列,X系列和代客家用路由器工作。要查看支持的路由器的完整列表,請點擊這裡:HTTP://www.linksyssmartwifi.com/ustatic/mobile/supportedRouters.html
•需要一個活躍的Wi-Fi連接到您的Linksys E系列,X系列和代客家用路由器。