Luminous Spirit Tarot


The Luminous Spirit Tarot is a companion app for the physical deck that focuses on channeling inner will into action using the phases of the moon to guide your path forward.


* Set Goals - Sync your intentions with the phases of the moon. Each phase of the moon's cycle represents a stage of manifestation and creation. Carry out tasks according to ancient wisdom, and feel in tune with the universe.

* Readings for Every Phase - The cards help you analyze every stage of your intention and manifestation. Get a reading whenever there's a new phase. Get inspired, get advice on overcoming obstacles, and questions to reflect on past decisions.

* Tarot Database - Built alongside the Luminous Spirit Tarot Deck, you can also get meanings of each particular card.

* Completely Free - No ads, no shenanigans. We are supported by physical purchases of our deck. Sacred knowledge remains free.


Luminous Spirit Tarot is part of a trio of apps dedicated to using the tarot to explore the self and its potential.

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*設定目標 - 與月亮的相位同步你的意圖。月亮的週期的每個階段表示體現和創造的階段。根據古老的智慧開展工作,並與宇宙調感覺。

*對於每一個階段讀物 - 該卡幫你分析你的意圖和表現的每一個階段。得到讀數,每當有一個新的階段。得到啟發,克服困難,獲得建議和問題,反思過去的決定。

*塔羅牌數據庫 - 內置旁邊的光靈塔羅牌,你還可以得到每個特定卡的意義。

*完全自由 - 沒有廣告,沒有有心計。我們對我們的甲板物理採購的支持。神聖的知識仍然是免費的。



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