MOMON: Mobile Monsters
DU VAHN, a faraway land inhabited by tribes of the sentient creature, known as Beastmen. Each tribe of Beastmen worships a kind of ancient stone. There are 6 stones, Earth, Wind, Plant, Water, Fire, and Metal. The stone imbued its worshiper with an affinity that reflects the stone characteristic of each element and some choose to live near the stone and build a civilization around the stones. Eventually, great cities were constructed around each stone.
For years Janu wanders the landscape of DU VAHN. But thanks to her knowledge of the ancient language, she amassed quite a lot of knowledge about ancient magic from her time exploring ruins. Then she finds something quite fascinating in the old ruins far south. She discovered the same book that vanished years ago in Tanhu, the only difference now is that she has the time to browse the content of the book. In her anger, Janu condemns Harat for their treatment towards her, condemn the rest of DU VAHN for restricting her to enter the other cities. Using the knowledge contained in the book, she cast a spell that envelops DU VAHN in blinding light. The same spell she felt years ago in Tanhu. Then everything changed.
MOMON: Mobile Monsters a Turn Based RPG game, with an outstanding graphic which allows players to collect monsters from various elements. Upgrade your skills and bring your monster together to conquer various stages from different areas. And prove the ability of your monsters squad in PVP Battle mode.
Explore the World of Du Vahn:
- Hu Di Ngin, a floating city that hovers above the breezy grassland of Du Vahn.
- Aarde, a city carved into a body of a mountain that house the earth stone.
- Ferumopoli, a city built mostly with metal by great blacksmiths.
- Tanhu, a city built in a lush forest which is rich in natural resources.
- Ma’an, technically, it’s a gigantic boat that floats above the submerged water stone.
- Harat, a city built inside an active volcano, who would've thought?
MOMON: Mobile Monsters Features:
- Various monsters to collect
- Meet various enemies and bosses
- 6 unique areas themes with 180 challenging stages level
- Switchable and upgradable skill
- Evolution system to strengthen your monsters
- Competitive PVP Battle
- Attractive gameplay
- Colorful and outstanding graphics
MOMON: Mobile Monsters
DU VAHN, a faraway land inhabited by tribes of the sentient creature, known as Beastmen. Each tribe of Beastmen worships a kind of ancient stone. There are 6 stones, Earth, Wind, Plant, Water, Fire, and Metal. The stones imbued their worshiper with an affinity that reflects the stones characteristic of each element and some choose to live near the stones and build a civilization around the stones. Eventually, great cities were constructed around each stone.
For years Janu wanders the landscape of DU VAHN. But thanks to her knowledge of the ancient language, she amassed quite a lot of knowledge about ancient magic from her time exploring ruins. Then she finds something quite fascinating in the old ruins far south. She discovered the same book that vanished years ago in Tanhu, the only difference now is that she has the time to browse the content of the book. In her anger, Janu condemns Harat for their treatment towards her, condemn the rest of DU VAHN for restricting her to enter the other cities. Using the knowledge contained in the book, she cast a spell that envelops DU VAHN in blinding light. The same spell she felt years ago in Tanhu. Then everything changed.
MOMON: Mobile Monsters is a Turn Based RPG game, with an outstanding graphic which allows players to collect monsters from various elements. Upgrade your skills and bring your monster together to conquer various stages from different areas. And prove the ability of your monsters squad in
PVP Battle mode.
Explore the World of Du Vahn:
� Hu Di Ngin, a floating city that hovers above the breezy grassland of Du Vahn.
� Aarde, a city carved into a body of a mountain that house the earth stone.
� Ferumopoli, a city built mostly with metal by great blacksmiths.
� Tanhu, a city built in a lush forest which is rich in natural resources.
� Ma’an, technically, it’s a gigantic boat that floats above the submerged water stone.
� Harat, a city built inside an active volcano, who would've thought?
MOMON: Mobile Monsters Features:
☑ Various monsters to collect
☑ Meet various enemies and bosses
☑ 6 unique areas themes with 180 challenging stages level
☑ Switchable and upgradable skill
☑ Evolution system to strengthen your monsters
☑ Competitive PVP Battle
☑ Attractive gameplay
☑ Colorful and outstanding graphics
Minimum Requirements:
☑ 256 MB Free Space
☑ Android OS v4.4 (KitKat)
☑ CPU Dual-Core 1.2 GHz or Higher
☑ RAM 500 MB
Recommended Requirements:
☑ 256 MB Free Space
☑ Android OS v4.4 (KitKat)
☑ Quad-core 1.5 GHz or Higher
☑ RAM 2 GB
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DU VAHN,由有感覺的生物,被稱為獸人的部落位於遙遠的土地。獸人的每個部落崇拜是一種古老的石頭。有6個石頭,土,風,植物,水,火,金屬等。石頭充滿他們的崇拜者與反映各要素的石頭特性的親和力,有些人選擇住在附近的石頭,圍繞打造石頭文明。最終,偉大的城市是圍繞每塊石頭建造。
多年來亞努飄蕩杜VAHN的景觀。但由於她的古老的語言知識,她積累了相當多的知識大約從她的時間探索遺址古魔。然後,她發現一些在老廢墟相當迷人遙遠的南方。她發現,幾年前消失在潭湖同一本書,唯一的區別是現在,她有瀏覽書的內容的時間。在她的憤怒,譴責亞努為Harat他們的治療對她,譴責杜VAHN的其餘限制她進入其他城市。使用包含在書中的知識,她投,籠罩DU VAHN在耀眼光芒法術。同樣的咒語,她覺得年前在潭湖。然後,一切都變了。
滹的NGIN 中,浮動城市,都Vahn的微風草原以上盤旋。
Aarde 下,雕刻成容納土石山的主體上的城市。
Ferumopoli 中,由大鐵匠與金屬大多建一個城市。
Harat 中,一座活火山內建造了一座城,誰曾想過?
☑256 MB可用空間
☑CPU雙核1.2 GHz或更高
☑RAM 500 MB
☑256 MB可用空間
☑四核1.5 GHz或更高
☑內存2 GB