Cognex MX Browser in an Enterprise Mobile Web Browser that allows the use of scanning with an MX Series Mobile Terminal directly into your web apps. Since there are difference in field types, work flows, and layout of different web apps, we have implemented a full “Settings” section to customize the browser to your needs. This browser will solidify a tight integration between MX hardware and web apps.
**請安裝Cognex MX Connect應用程序以連接到MX閱讀器。 **
企業移動Web瀏覽器中的Cognex MX瀏覽器允許將MX Series Mobile Terminal掃描直接用於您的Web應用程序。由於字段類型,工作流程和不同Web應用程序的佈局存在差異,因此我們實施了完整的“設置”部分,以根據您的需求自定義瀏覽器。此瀏覽器將鞏固MX硬件和Web應用程序之間的緊密集成。