The original and still the best. The New York Times: Gadgetwise - App of the Week!!!
"Of the several [magnification apps] I tried my favorite is Magnifying Glass from I-Beam. The iPhone app is simplicity itself. Turn it on, point the camera at the fine print and then touch the plus button until it is enlarged enough to read...
"Two other built-in features I like about Magnifying Glass: the button that instantly resets the image to low magnification and the camera button which lets you take a photo of your close up." - Roy Furchgott, New York Times
Magnifying Glass is a convenient, fun, easy-to-use magnifying glass for your iPhone and iPad. With infinite zoom, the ability to rotate, freeze, filter and enhance the view, and full control over focus and exposure settings, Magnifying Glass is the most powerful app in its class. Magnifying Glass is also a fully functional zoomable camera! On top of that, it includes a built-in flashlight that is dimmable. Try it today to see why this was the New York Times app of the week!
Magnifying Glass allows you to set focus, torch, and exposure settings on the iPhone and iPad cameras, giving you full control over what you are seeing.
Magnifying Glass features include:
- Infinite digital zoom
- Fully functional zoomable camera
- Ability to freeze the view and further enhance an image
- Built-in flashlight - turn the iPhone torch on and off and have the ability to dim the light
- Rotate the images coming from the camera
- Eight different filters to enhance the live or frozen view***
- Special high contrast image filter to reveal hidden details in low light
- Stabilization mode that ensures crisp and sharp images are captured
- Support for both the front and back cameras
Several interface themes or skins so you can personalize the app to your liking***
*** Feature available with upgrade
App Store 中最簡單、最易用的放大鏡——手電筒(LED 手電筒)、數字放大鏡、餐廳菜單閱讀器和處方瓶閱讀器多合一。
非常適合視障人士、焊接小接頭和 SMD 組件,甚至適合好奇的孩子!
將在您的 DIY 項目中為您提供幫助,這是一個很好的工具,
- 不戴眼鏡閱讀文字、名片或報紙。
- 檢查您的藥瓶處方的詳細信息。
- 在光線較暗的餐廳閱讀菜單。
- 晚上更換後院燈泡。
- 在你的錢包裡搜索東西。
- 可以用作顯微鏡(對於更精細和微小的圖像,但這不是真正的顯微鏡)。
- 用於電子焊接
- 縮放:從 1 倍到 10 倍。
- 保存放大的照片
- 手電筒:在黑暗的地方或夜間使用手電筒。
- 拍照:在手機上保存放大的照片。
- 瀏覽保存的照片,您可以分享它們。
- 如果您願意,可以使用前置攝像頭。
- 通過使用這種帶光的放大鏡,您可以清楚地閱讀小文本。
- android 放大鏡是一個免費的 android 應用程序。任何人無需培訓即可使用的最簡單的工具。
- 使用放大鏡,您可以清晰輕鬆地閱讀,不會遺漏任何東西。
- 帶有帶燈的放大鏡,您可以通過滑塊放大或縮小相機。此外,智能放大鏡可以隨時使用手電筒。
- 放大鏡應用程序可幫助您在手機屏幕上看到肉眼看不到的東西。
- 帶燈的放大鏡應用程序是您日常閱讀的完美解決方案。
- 安卓智能手機的放大鏡讓你更聰明。
- 帶燈和相機的放大鏡應用程序已經過測試,幾乎可以在任何 Android 設備上正常運行。
- 這是多合一的放大鏡、手電筒和相機快照,放大鏡應用程序提供您清晰閱讀所需的一切。
- 放大鏡 - 放大鏡應用程序是 2021 年最好的放大鏡應用程序。