MetaMoJi Note for Business is an all in one productivity app for business use. Import PDF documents, take meeting notes, sketch as if using pen and paper, and brainstorm on a virtual whiteboard; all from your iOS device.
MetaMoJi Note for Business can be used in vast number of scenarios. Annotate PDF documents, handwrite or type notes, draw diagrams with a wide selection of pen styles and colors, sketch product designs, take photographs and capture web-pages. Even better, mix all of these together in a fully scalable and editable workbook. Your creativity is your only boundary.
MetaMoJi Note for Business is based on MetaMoJi Note, the only note-taking app available across all major mobile platforms. Winner of multiple awards including a Tabby Award for Best Personal Productivity App, Silver Stevie® Award for International Business, a runner-up Appy Award for Productivity. It is also regularly positioned as the #1 Productivity App in Japan.
Key Features
• Write, sketch or draw notes with a variety of pens, paper layouts and graphics. Includes calligraphy pens and special inks from a vast color palette
• Grab your great ideas quickly with voice memos which you can tag to your visual content
• Pen styles include highlighter, fountain pen and brushes
• Scale, rotate, and move text boxes anywhere in your work space
• Built-in spell checker
• Laser pointer mode for highlighting areas of your document during presentations
• Password protect your notes to ensure your information is kept safe
• Enhanced text formatting options including the option to add bullets and increase & decrease indents
• Flexible scaling means you can visualize your document as a large whiteboard or as a small sticky note, all the while maintaining 100% visual integrity with up to 50X zoom capability and vector graphic resolution quality
• Flexible synchronization of files and folders to our cloud service, allowing you to back-up and manage your documents across multiple devices
• Save drawings as individual JPEG graphics and re-use across other documents
• The Shared Drive capability allows co-editing of documents
• Enhanced Jump functions allow for you to assign visual points to easily navigate around complex compositions while you are presenting
• Shapes tool provides editable shapes
• Shape recognition converts your drawing to a basic shape
• Smart cropping tool vastly extends photo editing
• Notes can be exported and imported via an WebDAV server or Storage Provider
• InOutBox tool transfers files between the app and PC
• User management tools facilitate sharing your device among different accounts
Here are some ways to use MetaMoJi Note during your business day:
• Generate quick notes and to-do lists, add voice memos and tag for easy retrieval later
• Quickly sketch out new ideas and the pass around your device or share your creations as an image or print-out
• Take meeting minutes and immediately share via email or a Shared Drive to your team
• Use as an interactive whiteboard to brainstorm and present during team meetings – hook your device up to a projector or TV as required
• Use your devices camera to capture instant images or import from your picture albums. Annotate the images and mash-up with any other content you need
• Import PDF documents directly into the app and then review and annotate using the powerful creativity tools
• Draw out processes, flowcharts and diagrams. If you need more space just pick up any individual line or group of content then move and scale it to fit. Easily alter colors and line styles
• Maintain a visual calendar with each entry providing a large editing space to capture all the information you need
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MetaMoJi Note for Business是一款用於企業用途的多合一生產力應用程序。導入PDF文檔,做會議筆記,像使用筆和紙一樣草繪草圖,並在虛擬白板上集思廣益;全部來自您的Android設備。
MetaMoJi Note for Business可以在多種情況下使用。註釋PDF文檔,手寫或鍵入註釋,使用多種筆樣式和顏色選擇圖表,繪製產品設計草圖,拍攝照片並捕獲網頁。更好的是,將所有這些混合在一起,形成一個完全可擴展和可編輯的工作簿。您的創造力是您唯一的界限。
MetaMoJi Note for Business基於MetaMoJi Note,MetaMoJi Note是所有主要移動平台上唯一可用的筆記應用程序。獲得了多個獎項的獎項,其中包括獲得最佳個人生產力應用程序的Tabby獎,國際業務的SilverStevie®獎,生產力獎的第二名Appy獎。它還經常被定位為日本排名第一的生產力應用程序。
•通過Google雲端硬盤導入圖像,圖形和Microsoft Office文件
以下是您在工作期間使用MetaMoJi Note的一些方法:
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