Mind Puzzle


Mind Puzzle is to raise your brain power
Mind Puzzle is a puzzle game played on row col based grid and in other board shapes.
Objective of the game is to place shapes in Board such that shapes color and board cell color must match.

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It can be played by any age group. It improves the memory skills and provide the challenges to each next level.
Just move the block using finger move.

It has many features:
- set the difficult level from very easy to very hard from settings
- Select your own music for background play from settings while playing game
- Choose the picture from folder to play puzzle game from settings.
- Reset the values to default.
- Use hint option to see the block number.
- Turn/off music option too.
- Press view image to see original image
- you can play at the same level again.
- you can choose to go next level too.
- you can share your with other friends.

取得  APP