Moleskine Notes


Moleskine Notes is designed to be used with the Pen+ smart pen, a range of Paper Tablet smart notebooks and Smart Diary/Planner. Together they define the Moleskine+ Smart Writing System.

Moleskine presents a new set of tools to write, draw and work with. A specially designed notebook, smartpen (Pen+) and App that work together to instantly digitize notes and sketches made on paper. Easily create digital text and images and share them right away with your smartphone or tablet.

The Moleskine Notes App is the perfect place to keep, find, edit and share your digitized notes. When you use the Pen+ to write or draw on the Paper Tablet your strokes are simultaneously captured and transferred to the App.

In the App, use tags keep your ideas organized. Edit your notes using colors to highlight key ideas or correct a mistake. Sync you content or ideas to your Google Drive and Evernote clouds to ensure your thoughts and documents are always connected. You can also pair your handwritten notes with real-time audio recording and replay your synced notes and voice recordings straight from the App.

--------- Highlights ---------

The Moleskine Notes App is part of the Moleskine Smart Writing Set. The set has the following capabilities:

Digital Storage: Moleskine Pen+ is a smartpen that writes on paper but also mirrors into smart devices. The pressure recognition of pen tip is very sensitive. So your handwritten notes and sketches have just as much detail as your physical ones!

Transcribe & Search handwritten notes: Your handwritten notes can transcribe into digital text through MyScript’s engine. Once handwritten text is transcribed into digital text, you can export the data, tag content, or search by note pages. Your search results will display notes on the screen.

Easy Share: Your handwritten contents can be shared via the app and SNS, and can be sent email by a single pen-action.

Record & Playback: Playback the pen stroke data or the audio file that is synced with the strokes. A digital version of your stroke data and audio will be stored in the App and will be accessible anywhere you go. While you record your voice during writing, you can replay your written notes and recorded voice simultaneously according to the timeline. 

Data reproduction: Your drawing can be exported in a scale-able image format, namely SVG or PNG or JPG, which allows you to reproduce them.

Internal Memory: Moleskine Pen+ can store up to 1,000 pages (5 Notebooks) by itself without being connected to smart devices. Once you connect Moleskine Pen+ to smart device, the app will automatically archive the notes by date, location and page.

*Main updates*

1. Search: Now you can search your handwritten notes based on transcribed text & tags! Don't forget to set your Transcribe Language to enable this magic!
2. More Share formats: Export your note in Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Onenote.

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Moleskine Notes與Moleskine智能筆和智能筆記本配合使用,通過將手寫筆記和草圖帶入數字領域來增強它們的功能。手工記筆記,在Moleskine筆記中轉錄它們,然後與朋友和合作者共享。使用Moleskine Smartpen脫機,重新連接該應用程序後,您的所有工作都會轉移。這意味著您可以在任何地方書寫和繪圖,並且仍然可以創建頁面的可共享數字副本。

您在會議或課堂上做的筆記可以立即轉換為文本,然後導出為Microsoft Word,RTF或TXT文件。繪製圖表並將其導入到PowerPoint演示文稿中。您可以將草圖導出到矢量藝術中,並繼續完善工作。

我們都喜歡屏幕和設備。但是,在捕捉您的想法時,沒有什麼比紙質的即時性和無限的可能性更勝一籌了。 Moleskine智能書寫套件可為您提供最佳的紙張和數字效果,以提高您的生產力和創造力。

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