The best moon calendar app in the app store with over 2000 user reviews (and average rating of 4.5 stars).
Gorgeous Retina Display Support for new iPad.
View Moon calendar for any month, any location.
View Moonrise, MoonSet, Sunrise and Sunset times.
Find the exact time a Full Moon, New Moon, First & Last Quarter occurs.
Find the elevation and azimuth of moon at any time.
Save multiple locations and easily switch between them.
Search for addresses by street address, zip code or geographic co-ordinates.
Universal app. Works on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
- 農曆日,農曆日的開始和結束;
- 當年的日食和月食(一種日食,日食的日期和時間);
- 月齡,日出時間 - 日落,月出 - 月落;
- 特定時間的太陽和月亮的星座;
- 月亮的相位和照明;
- 給定日曆日期的陰曆日確定;
- 確定當前和指定時間的陰曆日;
- 春分和冬至;
- 近地點和遠地點;
- 超級月亮和微月亮;
- 民用暮光;
- 航海黃昏;
- 天文黃昏;
- 天文或太陽正午;
- “黃金”或“魔法”小時;
- “藍色小時”;
- 白天和黑夜的持續時間;
- 能夠在地圖上找到位置並手動輸入坐標。
- 中國陰曆新年的開始日期;
- 中國風水年的全稱和特點。
- 農曆月份;
- 慶祝復活節的日期:東正教(新舊風格)、天主教、猶太逾越節(Pesach)