My Earthquake Alerts Pro


My Earthquake Alerts Pro is a powerful earthquake information app which delivers all of the information you need, with push notifications included, all free of charge. It also includes a beautifully simple design optimized for the latest iPhone and iPad.

- Live earthquake information from all around the world.
- Free earthquake alerts customized for you, with no restrictions.
- Powerful search feature to find earthquakes dating back to 1970!
- Beautiful & simple design, view earthquakes on a map and in a list.
- Find the exact location of earthquakes, the depth and the distance away from you.
- No ads!
- Apple Watch support!

It is similar to apps such as Quakes, MyQuake and QuakeFeed.

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My Earthquake Alerts Pro 是一款功能強大的地震監測應用程序,可提供您需要的所有信息,包括推送通知。它還包括為最新版本的 Android 優化的精美簡單的設計。

- 實時地震地圖,可以檢測和跟踪來自世界各地的地震。
- 為您定制的地震警報,沒有任何限制。
- 強大的搜索功能,可查找可追溯到 1970 年的地震歷史!
- 美麗而簡單的設計 - 在地圖和列表中查看地震信息。
- 找到與您的確切位置、深度和距離。
- 使用來自各種美國和全球地震網絡的信息,包括 USGS 和 EMSC。
- 專業版提供與我的地震警報相同的強大功能,但沒有任何廣告!

如果您需要有關您附近最近發生的地震的信息或通知,請立即下載 My Earthquake Alerts Pro。

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